UWPRG / plumitas

A Python package to improve the accessibility and reproducibility of enhanced sampling simulations
MIT License
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Improve memory management for "reconstruct_bias_potential" methods #18

Open anotherjoshsmith opened 6 years ago

anotherjoshsmith commented 6 years ago

The memory usage currently blows up for large PBMetaD projects when I try reweighting. It looks like my naive implementation of the reconstruct_bias_potential method for the PBMetaDProject class is the culprit. Memory management is the major bottleneck preventing the use of plumitas for production-scale projects right now, so I need to figure this part out as soon as possible. A few options to explore are:

anotherjoshsmith commented 6 years ago

Looks like this problem can be solved using dask. Where I was operating on multiple arrays with 600 million elements, i can now use dask arrays to break calculations into chunks. Also getting better CPU utilization with dask :)

The simple changes require to convert calculations from numpy to dask.array can be found in db48b8b.