UWRobotRacing / RobotRacing2018

This repository contains the current competition code (2018). This code will be used for the IARRC 2018. This code currently handles LIDAR mapping, trajectory rollout, PID speed control, lane detection and traffic light detection.
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Switch the car commands to twist messages #22

Closed Oluwatoni closed 6 years ago

Oluwatoni commented 6 years ago

Switch to Twist for vehicle control commands. Acceptability Criteria Change the publishers and subscribers in the simulation joystick script, path planner, arduino code

on the Arduino side make sure to get ros params associated with the car to help convert the twist messages to a steering and velocity command

There should be 3 twist messages being published joy_mux: from the joystick pp_mux: from the path_planner null_mux: from the supervisor node package with zeroed parameters