this "" I can run it,but this code in "For interactive multi-granularity segmentation "examples。
"from semantic_sam import prepare_image ,plot_multi_results,build_semantic_sam, SemanticSAMPredictor "
ImportError: cannot import name 'prepare_image' from 'semantic_sam',
in the python code i can"t find 'prepare_image' ,'build_semantic_sam' 。
this "" I can run it,but this code in "For interactive multi-granularity segmentation "examples。 "from semantic_sam import prepare_image ,plot_multi_results,build_semantic_sam, SemanticSAMPredictor " ImportError: cannot import name 'prepare_image' from 'semantic_sam', in the python code i can"t find 'prepare_image' ,'build_semantic_sam' 。