UXARRAY / uxarray

Xarray-styled package for reading and directly operating on unstructured grid datasets following UGRID conventions
Apache License 2.0
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ASV Benchmark PR Workflow #795

Open philipc2 opened 2 weeks ago

philipc2 commented 2 weeks ago

It would be really useful to have a workflow that runs a series of core benchmarks (or all current benchmarks) on a pull request before merging it, providing a summary of the results.

This would help ensure that issues like #793 could be caught before merging.

This workflow could be triggered by a maintainer (not run on every commit)

kafitzgerald commented 2 weeks ago

This is on the (mental) to do list for geocat-comp as well. Excited to learn from you all if you get to it first!

FWIW xarray has it set up and there's a nice overview on how to do this here. Sorry if I already shared this - can't recall.

philipc2 commented 2 weeks ago

This is on the (mental) to do list for geocat-comp as well. Excited to learn from you all if you get to it first!

FWIW xarray has it set up and there's a nice overview on how to do this here. Sorry if I already shared this - can't recall.

Thanks for these! Something along the lines of the Xarray one would be exactly what I was envisioning.