Hello everyone,
I am trying to use Stereo-Inertian ROS node with my own rosbag, I have configured the yaml file and I have remapped topics, but ORBSLAM3 freezes in "waiting for image".
As you can see in the image provided, I have setted the right topic names (/camera/left/image_raw, /camera/right/image_raw, /imu) and ORBSLAM succesffully subscribes to them, but it remains in "waiting for image" stage.
The strange thing is that it works with a EuRoC bag.
There are maybe some configurations that I have missed?
Could anyone help me?
Hello everyone, I am trying to use Stereo-Inertian ROS node with my own rosbag, I have configured the yaml file and I have remapped topics, but ORBSLAM3 freezes in "waiting for image". As you can see in the image provided, I have setted the right topic names (/camera/left/image_raw, /camera/right/image_raw, /imu) and ORBSLAM succesffully subscribes to them, but it remains in "waiting for image" stage. The strange thing is that it works with a EuRoC bag. There are maybe some configurations that I have missed? Could anyone help me?
Thanks for your attention,