ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual-Inertial and Multi-Map SLAM
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EdgeInertialGS Jacobians calculate issue #500

Open Lagrange1027 opened 2 years ago

Lagrange1027 commented 2 years ago

Hi,all: when I read ImuInitialize ,I found a issue in EdgeInertialGS Jacobians calculate , please hellp me make a check ,thanks!


I think maybe the result should look like this

Lagrange1027 commented 2 years ago

sorry,I know the reason, It‘s my fault

khudkhud commented 2 years ago

It also confused me.

khudkhud commented 2 years ago

@Lagrange1027 请教您一下: 后来的推导,增量为什么要乘以旋转矩阵呢?

zhh2005757 commented 1 year ago

sorry,I know the reason, It‘s my fault


I think the jacobian w.r.t the translation of Pose 2 is not exactly the $\bar{p}_i$ in the paper. It should be $p_i$ where $p_i=R^T_i * \bar{p}_j$ here. And that's what it is in the code.

Turing47 commented 2 months ago

I think the question is good, and code could be wrong.