Just something that i did not understood, i should pass this parameter in the yaml file that i am using, but what should a pass to the parameter? Should be a file or the path to de location were i want the map to be saved? it was not clear in the calibration_tutorial. And other thing, this parameter will save the point cloud as well or just the map?
You have to provide the path to the file that you want the map to be written to. The extension will be added.
Thanks, I managed to make it work. One last thing, he saved the file as a .osa, is that the only save extension or is it possible to save the file as an .obj for example?
How can I obtain the point cloud?
System.SaveAtlasToFile: "./example" gave segmentation error. Let say It is fixed. Can I get point cloud from the osa file?
Hey @Mauhing , I don't know how to work with the .osa file but I coded the functions I shared here on an older issue. Maybe it solves your problem, just sharing it here in case it helps you out!
Thanks, I managed to make it work. One last thing, he saved the file as a .osa, is that the only save extension or is it possible to save the file as an .obj for example?
_Originally posted by @jumanascimento in https://github.com/UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3/issues/818#issuecomment-1787190778_
How can I obtain the point cloud?
System.SaveAtlasToFile: "./example"
gave segmentation error. Let say It is fixed. Can I get point cloud from the osa file?