Uber-coffee / Front-end

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Delete Functionality Story #76

Closed NikitaPetaichuk closed 4 years ago

NikitaPetaichuk commented 4 years ago

AS A admin I WANT TO have an ability to delete information SO THAT I can get rid of incorrect/outdated/unnecessary information on my pages.


  1. Delete functionality should be added to the next pages: Traid Points, Users & Permissions, Components (+ categories modal window), Menu
  2. On these pages for every list item there should be a delete button: 2.1. For Menu page: red button with label "Delete" 2.2. For the rest of the pages: button with trash bucket icon
  3. After pressing "Delete" button a deletion confirmation will be asked. If this confirmation window will be closed chosen entity won't be deleted
  4. After confirming the deletion, the request about deleting chosen entity is sending to the back-end where it is decided to delete the entity or not. Message about decision should come to the user
  5. If confirmation was not received, we return to the page (or to the modal window with categories if we tried to delete a category) without deleting chosen entity from the database


Снимок экрана от 2020-07-13 21-48-15 1 Снимок экрана от 2020-07-13 21-48-43