Uber-coffee / Mobile-app

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[2pt]Screen for writing SMS code without backend #24

Open Niyaz-ik opened 4 years ago

Niyaz-ik commented 4 years ago

Description AS A user I WANT TO have an ability to see screen for writing SMS code.

Acceptance criteria

  1. The authorization screen should have the following field: code from SMS - which has "X-X-X-X" hint written.
  2. The authorization screen should have an "Enter" button which redirects user to "List of shops" screen.
  3. Error alert should not be shown if the field for code from SMS is empty.
  4. If the user has written a code from SMS in the field and format of it is "XXXX" where "X" is a digit, success alert "Correct pin code" should be shown, the "Enter" button should be not transparent and user can click on it and go to "List of shops" screen.
  5. If the user has written a code from SMS in field and it's format is not "XXXX" where "X" is a digit, error alert "Incorrect pin code" should be shown, the "Enter" button should be slightly transparent and user can't click on it.

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