UberGuidoZ / Flipper

Playground (and dump) of stuff I make or modify for the Flipper Zero
MIT License
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TrojanDownloader:BAT/Agent Trojan:PowerShell/ReverseShell.SA within two files in the Flipper Repo #586

Closed paranoidpc closed 1 month ago

paranoidpc commented 1 month ago

Hello Sir/Maam, Probably a Noob observation, but while downloading the Zip for the Flipper-main Repo , i came upon this . as the BadUSB has been adjusted along the way from its original repo i have no real way of knowing but thought to seek out some assistance. this could very well be intended as part of the badUSB programming but i have no way of knowing in detail.

thanks for any assistance.

TrojanDownloader:BAT/Agent guidoz flipper\Flipper-main\BadUSB\qFlipper-windows.txt

Trojan:PowerShell/ReverseShell.SA containerfile: guidoz flipper\Flipper-main\BadUSB\UNC0V3R3D-BadUSB-Collection\Windows_Badusb\Remote-Access\Better-Reverse-Shell\better-rev-shell.txt

file: guidoz flipper\Flipper-main\BadUSB\UNC0V3R3D-BadUSB-Collection\Windows_Badusb\Remote-Access\Better-Reverse-Shell\better-rev-shell.txt->[EmbeddedEnc]->(Base64)

UberGuidoZ commented 1 month ago

Some of the files are flagged as infections because they perform actions that could be considered malicious. This is to be expected and is not something to be concerned about as long as you know what files you are running. As you can see by the files, they are being flagged with what one would expect. Obviously you are fine to remove them and not use them as well!