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[Nextcloud] use PHP 8.2 for NC27 #1541

Closed EV21 closed 1 year ago

EV21 commented 1 year ago

Release Notes


[test123@alpheca ~]$ bash -c "$(wget -q -O - https://sh.ev21.de/uberspace/nextcloud-installer.sh)"
This script installs the latest release of Nextcloud
and assumes a newly created Uberspace with default settings.
This will be the basic file structure
├── _nextcloud_completion
├── bin
│   ├── ncc (wrapper shortcut for ~/html/occ)
│   ├── nextcloud-update
│   └── notify_push -> /home/test123/html/apps/notify_push/bin/x86_64/notify_push
├── nextcloud_data
│   └── >> user files, etc. <<
├── html -> /var/www/virtual/test123/html
│   └── >> Nextcloud installation <<
├── logs
│   ├── nextcloud-cron.log
│   ├── nextcloud-updater.log -> /home/test123/nextcloud_data/updater.log
│   └── nextcloud.log -> /home/test123/nextcloud_data/nextcloud.log
└── ...
Do not run this script if you already use your Uberspace for other apps!
Do you want to execute this installer for Nextcloud? (y/n) y
Please set your Nextcloud login credentials.
Nextcloud admin user: Alice
Note: Your password input will not be visible.
Nextcloud admin password:
Nextcloud admin password confirmation:
Applying relevant PHP settings for Nextcloud
Selected PHP version 8.2
The new configuration is adapted immediately. Patch updates will be applied automatically.

Your PHP configuration has been loaded.
Downloading Nextcloud to ~/html/
################################################################################### 100.0%
gpg: key A724937A: "Nextcloud Security <security@nextcloud.com>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:              unchanged: 1
gpg: Signature made Mon Jun 12 17:00:15 2023 CEST using RSA key ID A724937A
gpg: Good signature from "Nextcloud Security <security@nextcloud.com>"
Extracting archive
CREATE DATABASE test123_nextcloud

Installing Nextcloud
Nextcloud was successfully installed
System config value trusted_domains => 0 set to string test123.uber.space
System config value overwrite.cli.url set to string https://test123.uber.space
Setting symbolic links for more easy log file access
'/home/test123/logs/nextcloud.log' -> '/home/test123/nextcloud_data/nextcloud.log'
'/home/test123/logs/nextcloud-updater.log' -> '/home/test123/nextcloud_data/updater.log'
System config value mail_domain set to string uber.space
System config value mail_from_address set to string test123
System config value mail_smtpmode set to string sendmail
System config value mail_sendmailmode set to string pipe
System config value htaccess.RewriteBase set to string /
.htaccess has been updated
Set mode for background jobs to 'cron'
System config value memcache.local set to string \OC\Memcache\APCu
System config value default_phone_region set to string DE
redis: available
redis: added process group
redis                            STARTING
System config value redis => host set to string /home/test123/.redis/sock
System config value redis => port set to string 0
System config value redis => timeout set to string 1.5
System config value filelocking.enabled set to string true
System config value memcache.locking set to string \OC\Memcache\Redis
System config value memcache.distributed set to string \OC\Memcache\Redis
notify_push 0.6.3 installed
notify_push enabled
mode of '/home/test123/html/apps/notify_push/bin/x86_64/notify_push' retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
'/home/test123/bin/notify_push' -> '/home/test123/html/apps/notify_push/bin/x86_64/notify_push'
notify_push: available
notify_push: added process group
notify_push                      STARTING
redis                            RUNNING   pid 22150, uptime 0:00:29
Set backend for /push to port 7867; please make sure something is listening!
You can always check the status of your backend using "uberspace web backend list".
System config value trusted_proxies => 0 set to string
✓ redis is configured
✓ push server is receiving redis messages
✓ push server can load mount info from database
✓ push server can connect to the Nextcloud server
✓ push server is a trusted proxy
✓ push server is running the same version as the app
  configuration saved
If you want to use another domain read:
You can now access your Nextcloud by directing you Browser to:
[test123@alpheca ~]$

update log 26.0.2 -> 27.0.0 ```console [test123@alpheca ~]$ nextcloud-update Nextcloud Updater - version: v26.0.0beta2-9-g64e2e4c dirty Current version is 26.0.2. Update to Nextcloud 27.0.0 available. (channel: "stable") Following file will be downloaded automatically: https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-27.0.0.zip Open changelog ↗ Updater run in non-interactive mode. Start update Info: Pressing Ctrl-C will finish the currently running step and then stops the updater. [✔] Check for expected files [✔] Check for write permissions [✔] Create backup [✔] Downloading [✔] Verify integrity [✔] Extracting [✔] Enable maintenance mode [✔] Replace entry points [✔] Delete old files [✔] Move new files in place [✔] Done Update of code successful. Updater run in non-interactive mode - will start "occ upgrade" now. Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade Setting log level to debug Repair step: Repair MySQL collation Repair info: All tables already have the correct collation -> nothing to do Repair step: Repair SQLite autoincrement Repair step: Copy data from accounts table when migrating from ownCloud Repair step: Drop account terms table when migrating from ownCloud Updating database schema Updated database Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.15.0 Updating ... Repair step: Update OAuth token expiration times Updated to 1.15.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Updated to 2.3.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.22.0 Updating ... Updated to 2.19.0 Updating ... Repair step: Upgrading Circles App Updated to 27.0.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.10.0 Updating ... Repair step: Fix component of birthday calendars Repair info: 1 birthday calendars updated. Repair step: Regenerating birthday calendars to use new icons and fix old birthday events without year Repair info: Adding background jobs to regenerate birthday calendar Repair step: Fix broken values of calendar objects Fix broken values of calendar objects Starting ... 0/0 [>---------------------------] 0% Repair step: Registering building of calendar search index as background job Repair info: Add background job Repair step: Register building of social profile search index as background job Repair step: Registering background jobs to update cache for webcal calendars Repair info: Added 0 background jobs to update webcal calendars Repair step: Registering building of calendar reminder index as background job Repair info: Add background job Repair step: Clean up orphan event and contact data Repair info: 0 events without a calendar have been cleaned up Repair info: 0 properties without an events have been cleaned up Repair info: 0 changes without a calendar have been cleaned up Repair info: 0 cached events without a calendar subscription have been cleaned up Repair info: 0 changes without a calendar subscription have been cleaned up Repair info: 0 contacts without an addressbook have been cleaned up Repair info: 0 properties without a contact have been cleaned up Repair info: 0 changes without an addressbook have been cleaned up Repair step: Remove activity entries of private events Repair info: Removed 0 activity entries Repair step: Clean up old calendar subscriptions from deleted users that were not cleaned-up Clean up old calendar subscriptions from deleted users that were not cleaned-up Starting ... 0/0 [->--------------------------] 0% Repair info: 0 calendar subscriptions without an user have been cleaned up Repair step: Remove invalid object properties Repair info: 0 invalid object properties removed. Updated to 1.27.0 Updating ... Repair step: Fix the share type of guest shares when migrating from ownCloud Repair step: Copy the share password into the dedicated column Repair step: Set existing shares as accepted Updated to 1.19.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.20.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Repair step: Populating added database structures for workflows Updated to 2.9.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Updated to 2.16.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.16.0 Updating ... Updated to 2.15.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Repair step: Failed to clean up the old administration theming images folder Repair info: Migrating administration images Repair info: No administration images to migrate Repair step: Migrate old user accessibility config Migrate old user accessibility config Starting ... 0/0 [--->------------------------] 0% Repair step: Initialize migration of background images from dashboard to theming app Updated to 2.2.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.8.0 Updating ... Updated to 7.7.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Updated to 2.8.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.6.0 Updating ... Updated to 2.12.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.11.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.6.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.2.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.9.0 Updating ... Repair step: Switches from default updater server to the customer one if a valid subscription is available Updated to 1.10.0 Updating ... Repair step: Send an admin notification if monthly report is disabled Updated to 1.15.0 Updating ... Repair step: Force-reset all Text sessions before Yjs migration Updated to 3.8.0 Updating ... Repair step: Add background job to check for backup codes Updated to 1.16.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.17.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.7.0 Updating ... Updated to 2.1.0 Updating ... Updated to 1.7.0 Repair step: Repair MySQL collation Repair info: All tables already have the correct collation -> nothing to do Repair step: Repair mime types Repair step: Clean tags and favorites Repair info: 0 tags of deleted users have been removed. Repair info: 0 tags for delete files have been removed. Repair info: 0 tag entries for deleted tags have been removed. Repair info: 0 tags with no entries have been removed. Repair step: Repair invalid shares Repair step: Move .step file of updater to backup location Repair info: .step file exists Repair info: .step file moved to .step-previous-update Repair step: Add move avatar background job Repair info: Add background job Repair step: Add preview cleanup background jobs Repair step: Migrate oauth2_clients table to nextcloud schema Repair info: Update the oauth2_access_tokens table schema. Repair info: Update the oauth2_clients table schema. Repair step: Fix potential broken mount points Repair info: No mounts updated Repair step: Repair language codes Repair step: Add log rotate job Repair step: Clear frontend caches Repair info: Image cache cleared Repair info: JS cache cleared Repair step: Clear every generated avatar Repair info: Avatar cache clearing job added Repair step: Add preview background cleanup job Repair step: Queue a one-time job to cleanup old backups of the updater Repair step: Cleanup invalid photocache files for carddav Repair step: Add background job to cleanup login flow v2 tokens Repair step: Remove potentially over exposing share links Repair info: No need to remove link shares. Repair step: Clear access cache of projects Repair step: Reset generated avatar flag Repair step: Keep legacy encryption enabled Repair step: Check encryption key format Repair step: Remove old dashboard app config data Repair step: Add job to cleanup the bruteforce entries Repair step: Queue a one-time job to check for user uploaded certificates Repair step: Repair DAV shares Repair step: Add background job to set the lookup server share state for users Repair step: Add token cleanup job Repair step: Clean up abandoned apps Repair step: Add possibly missing system config Starting code integrity check... Finished code integrity check Update successful Maintenance mode is kept active Resetting log level Updater run in non-interactive mode - will disable maintenance mode now. Maintenance mode disabled Maintenance mode is disabled Check primary keys. Done. Check columns of the comments table. Done. Check indices of the share table. Check indices of the filecache table. Check indices of the twofactor_providers table. Check indices of the login_flow_v2 table. Check indices of the whats_new table. Check indices of the cards table. Check indices of the cards_properties table. Check indices of the calendarobjects_props table. Check indices of the schedulingobjects table. Check indices of the oc_properties table. Check indices of the oc_jobs table. Check indices of the oc_direct_edit table. Check indices of the oc_preferences table. Check indices of the oc_mounts table. Adding mounts_user_root_path_index index to the oc_mounts table, this can take some time... oc_mounts table updated successfully. All tables already up to date! Nextcloud is already latest version notify_push: stopped notify_push: started [test123@alpheca ~]$ ```