Uberspace / manual

This manual documents how to use the basic features of Uberspace 7.
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Note on Google renaming FLoC to Google Topics #422

Closed paradonym closed 2 years ago

paradonym commented 2 years ago

src & proof: https://blog.google/products/chrome/get-know-new-topics-api-privacy-sandbox/

and please fix my typo there... "method..."

noave commented 2 years ago

thanks for the info, but we should rather use the new name here (maybe with an "former known as") and first check somehow if this header is somehowe effective. Otherwise we should choose another example

noave commented 2 years ago

ok so regarding: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/privacy-sandbox/topics/#site-opt-out the new header should be Permissions-Policy: browsing-topics=() but interest-cohort=() should also still work (at least in chrome=