UbiquityRobotics / fiducials

Simultaneous localization and mapping using fiducial markers.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Added pose_publish_rate which controls the rate of /fiducial_pose #259

Closed ivan140 closed 3 years ago

ivan140 commented 3 years ago


The rate for publishing the fiducial_pose is hard_coded to 20 Hz. This limits the possible speeds when controlling by directly acquiring the fiducials position. This feature makes it possible to adjust the publishing speed through a rosparam.

JanezCim commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the contribution!

I've tested this out in gazebo and it works:

roslaunch magni_gazebo fiducial_world.launch

with the paramater on 30Hz

rostopic hz /fiducial_pose
subscribed to [/fiducial_pose]
WARNING: may be using simulated time
average rate: 29.851
    min: 0.030s max: 0.038s std dev: 0.00190s window: 17

so in theory it works, but i dont know what that would mean in real world if the camera framerate was only, say 20Hz, odom 30Hz and you had this parameter on say 50Hz. This could pose some problems since you cant generate new pose info with 50Hz. But anyway I think this is better then having the rate hardcoded at 20Hz.

What do you think @jim-v @rohbotics ?

rohbotics commented 3 years ago

I think this is reasonable, thanks for the contribution @ivan140

ivan140 commented 3 years ago

@JanezCim I made some measurements for you on my Raspi 4 with the default cam. When looking into the numbers, I'd say it makes sense to set the rate to at least the fps of the camera. Also, it seems not to cause any problems having a higher pose publishing rate, than the detector.

rate 20, CPU ~5% topic rate min_delta max_delta std_dev window
/cv_camera/image_raw/compressed 30.0 0.01152 0.0606 0.004668 1446
/fiducial_transforms 25.48 0.006356 0.1234 0.01392 1446
/fiducial_pose 18.77 0.02711 0.1096 0.01284 1227
rate 40, CPU ~6% topic rate min_delta max_delta std_dev window
/cv_camera/image_raw/compressed 29.86 2.17e-05 0.4886 0.01702 1259
/fiducial_transforms 26.88 1.55e-05 0.3566 0.01971 1259
/fiducial_pose 26.62 1.478e-05 0.4819 0.02254 1133
rate 100, CPU ~6% topic rate min_delta max_delta std_dev window
/cv_camera/image_raw/compressed 30.01 0.009938 0.07629 0.005509 1236
/fiducial_transforms 25.85 9.441e-05 0.136 0.01295 1236
/fiducial_pose 25.85 9.561e-05 0.1318 0.01353 1063
JanezCim commented 3 years ago

Okay seems ok to me then, thank you @ivan140