UbiquityRobotics / raspicam_node

ROS node for camera module of Raspberry Pi
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Problem in ROS-Noetic - Failed to create camera component - connections are fine. #113

Closed abdul-mannan-khan closed 3 years ago

abdul-mannan-khan commented 3 years ago

I am facing issues running it under ROS Noetic. Here are the errors.

setting /run_id to bbbc9de4-976c-11eb-8c0e-af2ca03c1410
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [3568]
started core service [/rosout]
process[raspicam_node-2]: started with pid [3575]
mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:ENOMEM)
mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1)
mmal: Failed to create camera component
[ERROR] [1617777886.336327072]: Failed to create camera component
[ERROR] [1617777886.339434007]: init_cam: Failed to create camera component
[ INFO] [1617777886.339700022]: camera calibration URL: package://raspicam_node/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml
[ INFO] [1617777886.382784933]: Camera successfully calibrated from default file
[ INFO] [1617777886.383029910]: using default calibration URL
[ INFO] [1617777886.383213642]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/khan/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml
[ INFO] [1617777886.383579552]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/khan/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml]
[ WARN] [1617777886.383751284]: Camera calibration file /home/khan/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml not found.
[ INFO] [1617777886.383913812]: No device specifc calibration found
[ WARN] [1617777886.451623871]: reconfiguring, but camera_component not initialized
[FATAL] [1617777886.477038211]: Tried to start capture before camera is inited
[raspicam_node-2] process has died [pid 3575, exit code -11, cmd /home/khan/catkin_ws/devel/lib/raspicam_node/raspicam_node __name:=raspicam_node __log:=/home/khan/.ros/log/bbbc9de4-976c-11eb-8c0e-af2ca03c1410/raspicam_node-2.log].
log file: /home/khan/.ros/log/bbbc9de4-976c-11eb-8c0e-af2ca03c1410/raspicam_node-2*.log
^C[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

I have read details given in Troubleshooting section. There is no problem in camera connection. They are fine. Could you please put some light on my problem?

I am running ROS-Noetic on Ubuntu Mate 20.04 on Raspberry Pi 4.

Thank you.

anfederman commented 3 years ago

First, you need to be running the arm32 version of Ubuntu 20. Raspicam is not supported for arm64.

The libraries for the raspicam are in /opt/vc

To install you need to do a snap install of pi-userland, and then copy the vc folder to /opt

On Tue, Apr 6, 2021, 11:52 PM Dr. Abdul-Mannan Khan < @.***> wrote:

I am facing issues running it under ROS Noetic. Here are the errors.

setting /run_id to bbbc9de4-976c-11eb-8c0e-af2ca03c1410 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [3568] started core service [/rosout] process[raspicam_node-2]: started with pid [3575] mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:ENOMEM) mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1) mmal: Failed to create camera component [ERROR] [1617777886.336327072]: Failed to create camera component [ERROR] [1617777886.339434007]: init_cam: Failed to create camera component [ INFO] [1617777886.339700022]: camera calibration URL: package://raspicam_node/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml [ INFO] [1617777886.382784933]: Camera successfully calibrated from default file [ INFO] [1617777886.383029910]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [1617777886.383213642]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/khan/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml [ INFO] [1617777886.383579552]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/khan/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml] [ WARN] [1617777886.383751284]: Camera calibration file /home/khan/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml not found. [ INFO] [1617777886.383913812]: No device specifc calibration found [ WARN] [1617777886.451623871]: reconfiguring, but camera_component not initialized [FATAL] [1617777886.477038211]: Tried to start capture before camera is inited [raspicam_node-2] process has died [pid 3575, exit code -11, cmd /home/khan/catkin_ws/devel/lib/raspicam_node/raspicam_node __name:=raspicam_node __log:=/home/khan/.ros/log/bbbc9de4-976c-11eb-8c0e-af2ca03c1410/raspicam_node-2.log]. log file: /home/khan/.ros/log/bbbc9de4-976c-11eb-8c0e-af2ca03c1410/raspicam_node-2*.log ^C[rosout-1] killing on exit [master] killing on exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done

I have read details given in Troubleshooting section. There is no problem in camera connection. They are fine. Could you please put some light on my problem?

I am running ROS-Noetic on Ubuntu Mate 20.04 on Raspberry Pi 4.

Thank you.

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rohbotics commented 3 years ago

You are seeing ENOMEM, do you have enough GPU memory enabled in your config.txt? Try increasing it, I think a minimum of 128mb is required.

anfederman commented 3 years ago

Also, first see if raspistill is working. This may require a desktop, but if it isn't found or gives error messages, these need to be fixed even before you make raspicam_node.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2021, 9:56 AM Rohan Agrawal @.***> wrote:

You are seeing ENOMEM, do you have enough GPU memory enabled in your config.txt? Try increasing it, I think a minimum of 128mb is required.

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abdul-mannan-khan commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your response. I have installed 32bit Ubuntu mate 20.04 on Raspberry Pi 4. I followed steps given in website. I read isses given in the github repository. I could successfully install camera using the following commands

sudo -s
pip install picamera

However, I am still getting following errors

khan@khan:~$ raspistill -k
mmal: Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647
mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:ENOMEM)
mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1)
mmal: Failed to create camera component
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Camera is not detected. Please check carefully the camera module is installed correctly

I read another blog here, in which it was mentioned that I needed to configure camera interface. So, I installed raspi-config and tried to develop interface using Interfacing Option and here is what I got.

Your firmware appears to be out of date (no start_x.elf). Please update 

To solve this problem, I have read another blog here but I am still getting the same problem. After that I rebooted but still raspistill -k gives me the same errors and I still get

Your firmware appears to be out of date (no start_x.elf). Please update 

My config.txt file contains following


anfederman and rohbotics, I am very grateful to you for your kind comments.

anfederman commented 3 years ago

So in your /boot config.txt do you have

gpu_mem=128 start_x=1

Do you have a /dev/video0 ?

Do you have group permissions to /dev/video0 ?

Finally in /opt/vc/lib. Is there the mmal components?

I know this is a difficult problem, it took me two months to get it working properly.

Ps. I am doing this from my phone, so there are typos.

On Thu, Apr 8, 2021, 5:14 AM Dr. Abdul-Mannan Khan @.***> wrote:

Thank you very much for your response. I have installed 32bit Ubuntu mate 20.04 on Raspberry Pi 4. I followed steps given in website https://picamera.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.13/install.html. I read isses given in the github repository https://github.com/waveform80/picamera/issues/578. I could successfully install camera using the following commands

sudo -s export READTHEDOCS=True pip install picamera

However, I am still getting following errors

@.***:~$ raspistill -k mmal: Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647 mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:ENOMEM) mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1) mmal: Failed to create camera component mmal: main: Failed to create camera component mmal: Camera is not detected. Please check carefully the camera module is installed correctly

anfederman and rohbotics, I am very grateful to you for your kind comments.

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/UbiquityRobotics/raspicam_node/issues/113#issuecomment-815739148, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABHZ37ZBW76MIWX6XGYPOGLTHWMZ5ANCNFSM42QFHFPQ .

anfederman commented 3 years ago

raspi_config is pretty useless to configure ubuntu 20.04. I am pretty sure raspicam will work, even if raspi_config says it won't is start_x=1 and gpu_mem=128

Here are my install notes for the mmal component:

?sudo apt install chrony

????------optional---- suggest not using raspi-config on ubuntu------???? sudo dpkg -i /tmp/raspi-config_20200601_all.deb 10 sudo raspi-config install userland ????? may not need if already installed from 16.04 image ????

sudo snap install rpi-userland –edge

copy the userland/opt/vc from snap to opt/vc (this installs the mmal libraries)

pigpiod is needed for pi_sonar

wget https://github.com/joan2937/pigpio/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip cd pigpio-master/ make sudo make install

abdul-mannan-khan commented 3 years ago

There was nothing in /opt folder. So, I followed your instructions and successfully copied vc folder from /snap/repi-userland/10/opt/. I could see file libmmal.so in that folder and many other files like that. However, I am still getting this error

khan@khan:~$ raspistill -k
mmal: Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647
mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:ENOMEM)
mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1)
mmal: Failed to create camera component
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Camera is not detected. Please check carefully the camera module is installed correctly

Thank you for your insightful help. I am really hoping that we could solve this. Thank you so much.

anfederman commented 3 years ago

the mmal component error message may occur if you don't have group permission to /dev/video0 -or- the camera is busted, cable not seated

ls -l /dev/video0 crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 Apr 11 08:29 /dev/video0

see if 1) /dev/video0 exists 2) has group = video 3 your default user has video group permission

you could test if it is a permission problem by trying sudo raspistill -o test.jpg if that works you know where the issue is.

Also, the raspicam_node may work even if raspistill doesn't if you try:

catkin_make --pkg raspicam_node

and get no errors


roslaunch raspicam_node camerv2(--pick a resolution).launch &

if no errors, you should be able to see if the camera is producing data:

rostopic echo /raspicam_node/image/compressed (not sure of exact topic name)

I think you are close to fixing this. I reiterate that the mmal(raspistill) component only works on arm32, it won't work on arm64 no matter what you try. I can sympathize with your dilemma it took me two months of many failed attempts to get it working. Once you do, fiducial_slam and fiducial_follow seem to work without a lot of drama.

On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 3:52 AM Dr. Abdul-Mannan Khan < @.***> wrote:

There was nothing in /opt folder. So, I followed your instructions and successfully copied vc folder from /snap/repi-userland/10/opt/. I could see file libmmal.so in that folder and many other files like that. However, I am still getting this error

@.***:~$ raspistill -k mmal: Cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for OV5647 mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:ENOMEM) mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1) mmal: Failed to create camera component mmal: main: Failed to create camera component mmal: Camera is not detected. Please check carefully the camera module is installed correctly

Thank you for your insightful help. I am really hoping that we could solve this. Thank you so much.

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/UbiquityRobotics/raspicam_node/issues/113#issuecomment-817287317, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABHZ37ZAEKQMBEG6HETQP6DTIF5OFANCNFSM42QFHFPQ .

abdul-mannan-khan commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much @anfederman for your consistent support and insightful help. This problem is solved. Now, I can see my camera working. Thanks again.