Ubn-Jr / hirob-em-mechanical

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Research EMO Mechanical Design #5

Open husamettinarabaci opened 10 months ago

husamettinarabaci commented 10 months ago

We want to develop a device that looks EMO and We'll add extra features ( algorithm teaching, etc.). So, We have to detect the EMO Mechanical system. Please research it and create documentation.

Talha-Dogan commented 10 months ago

First of all, EMO is a living AI, but what is this living AI? Living AI:

"Living AI" means that AI gains the ability to learn, adapt and react to environmental changes like living organisms. This means that AI is constantly learning from data and improving itself. Living AI is used in the development of automation, autonomy and intelligent systems.


Emo Pet Design: emo, whose design is quite simple, does not move with wheels or any rotational momentum, but moves thanks to the servos on its legs and body.

Living AI App: https://i0.wp.com/living.ai/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Details04.jpg?resize=1536%2C730&ssl=1

Extras Project Overview:

Hirob is the most fun way to learn software an educational robot for all ages

Device Design and Appearance:

This project, which will be made using aesthetically beautiful looking materials that are beneficial to human health, will be made using cube-shaped wood and plastic materials with the least harm to health (thanks to the led screen on it, it can also express-imitate emotions)

Mechanical System:

On the mechanical system side, it will have motors that move smoothly thanks to the step counter. For more information about the board and circuitry visit @hirob-em-pcbdesign

Software and Algorithms:

For embedded please visit our @hirob-em-embedded repo

Assembly and Production:

Testing and Quality Assurance:

Maintenance and Troubleshooting:

Safety and Compliance:

Future Development:

References and Resources:


features can be added extra parts unexpected reactions like pets emotions clock feature alarm feature ability to play games with you...