UbuntuBudgie / Website

Issue tracker for our official website
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add google translate to the website #17

Closed fossfreedom closed 7 years ago

fossfreedom commented 7 years ago


We should think about adding the above or equivalent since most of our users do not speak english as their first language.

GrindamN commented 7 years ago


quassy commented 7 years ago

For me the Google Translate bar is off-putting and makes the Ubuntu Budgie website look cheap. Also my browser is set to accept de and en so it shouldn't actually be there. In my opinion this features belongs to the client side and should not be integrated into websites (just imagine every website integrating some form of automated translation tool...).

For languages I don't understand I manually use a browser extension (Firefox) or the integrated translation tools (Chrome), which provide the same translation but don't look as bad and respect user preferences about if and when something should be translated.