UbuntuBudgie / Website

Issue tracker for our official website
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Minimum vs recommended requirements #45

Open fossfreedom opened 6 years ago

fossfreedom commented 6 years ago

website downloads page needs to be very much more clearer about minimum vs recommended and the wording as per the bug report is referring to "CPU" not RAM.

Our minimum is 2GB - we are not competing with Lubuntu - and people with less than 2GB should be directed to Lubuntu

This bug report has the details https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntubudgie/+bug/1754798

professorsnapper commented 6 years ago

It's not just the website's downloads page that could do with revising. On the homepage under the heading "What's Ubuntu Budgie?", there's a sentence that reads "Whether you are using it on an old computer, or a powerful workstation, Ubuntu Budgie is adaptable to any device, keeping them fast and usable."