Ucas-HaoranWei / Vary-toy

Official code implementation of Vary-toy (Small Language Model Meets with Reinforced Vision Vocabulary)
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train errorKeyError: 'data_name1' #21

Open bsbrother opened 4 months ago

bsbrother commented 4 months ago

$ deepspeed vary/train/train_qwen_vary.py --deepspeed ./zero_config/zero2.json ..... .....

File "/home/kasm-user/aigc/testing/Vary-toy/Vary-master/vary/data/conversation_dataset_qwen.py", line 34, in init

dataset = CONVERSATION_DATA[name]


KeyError: 'data_name1'

exit $

Please give a detail about train, requirement something? etc. thank you !

Xerxesqwq commented 4 months ago

You can see constants.py in folder utils, and 'laion-coco-4m', 'cc665k', etc. in the screenshot are dataset. You can modify this place to add your own datasets(specifying the name of dataset in the param of deepspeed). temp1