UdacityMobileWebScholarship / guess-quote

This application is a collaborative project made by the Google Udacity Mobile Web Specialist Scholars.
MIT License
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Make HTML semantically correct #47

Closed retrocausal closed 6 years ago

retrocausal commented 6 years ago

The changes here are in accordance with maintaining semantically correct HTML tags. though this seems petty, having semantically correct tagging on the DOM, enables the markup to be more readable and index-able, as opposed to a div soup

Also, css classes are best written in lowercase.

overall, is a reflection of Udacity's style guide

skyshader commented 6 years ago

Let's have a sidebar as well aside. Because we do have a menu listing in sidebar.

twishasaraiya commented 6 years ago

Thanks @retrocausal for the contribution :+1: . This looks good to me but I am not still sure about footer component but let's keep it. Also let's wait for what @skyshader and @anantoghosh has to say.

retrocausal commented 6 years ago

@twishasaraiya , I got a picture of what you guys are trying to achieve. Regarding the footer, I have not included it on the home page, but have a component ready. In case we need it. I will be adding the off canvas sidebar soon. Maybe Monday. we could then look at styling the home page which would be the landing page by this weekend. If you could decide what needs to be on the header, I can add it too.

twishasaraiya commented 6 years ago

Closing this request since we have already moved ahead in the project.