UdacityMobileWebScholarship / guess-quote

This application is a collaborative project made by the Google Udacity Mobile Web Specialist Scholars.
MIT License
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Adding Score Component #73

Closed AromaR closed 6 years ago

AromaR commented 6 years ago

Adding Score Component


<ScoreComponent score={var}/> The initial score is zero. I've used states here to set it to 0 initially. There's a function called changeScore(amount), that let's you put in an amount to add or subtract (if the number is negative).


There's a CSS file in the Component directory that can be modified to make any design changes A working example of the code is on my Codepen, and I've linked it here

Some other functionality

See the Pen React Score by ARodz (@AromaR) on CodePen.

anantoghosh commented 6 years ago

@AromaR you need to create the pull request on the develop branch. Click the "edit" button on the right of this page's title and select "base:develop". For next time, when creating a pull request, on top you get to select to which branch the pr should be created.

AromaR commented 6 years ago

@anantoghosh did that. Thanks

twishasaraiya commented 6 years ago

@AromaR Please add proper commit messages, so that it becomes easier for everyone to track changes to the source code.

twishasaraiya commented 6 years ago

Great 👍 Merged #73