UdacityMobileWebScholarship / guess-quote

This application is a collaborative project made by the Google Udacity Mobile Web Specialist Scholars.
MIT License
22 stars 48 forks source link

Added the Landing Page #81

Closed blenderskool closed 6 years ago

blenderskool commented 6 years ago

The landing page has been created based on these designs

Mobile - https://app.evrybo.com/share/project/8308/87816/IMkRaB3RydMAXNQM8rtF Desktop - https://app.evrybo.com/share/project/8309/87819/HKkcT9lqXyU4Uev9JOsb

Some links to other pages have also been added. Please review the PR and let me know if any changes are required :slightly_smiling_face:

Solves #12

twishasaraiya commented 6 years ago

@blenderskool Please make a PR to develop branch.Also add quotes.svg to design-assests folder.

blenderskool commented 6 years ago

@twishasaraiya I have changed the branch. If I move quotes.svg to design-assets then how will I import it in the page? I would get an error since it is outside the src folder.

twishasaraiya commented 6 years ago

What I meant was add the quotes.svg to design-assets folder as well. We want to keep all our icons in one place. You can keep the one currently in Home folder.

blenderskool commented 6 years ago

@twishasaraiya I have added quotes.svg to design-assets also :+1:

twishasaraiya commented 6 years ago

Thank you :+1: .

Merged #81