UhuruSoftware / uhuru-webui

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Build instructions failing #1

Open trastle opened 10 years ago

trastle commented 10 years ago

Hi Guys, I am following your basic instructions for running the ui to take a look at what it does. Following your current instructions will cause a failure trying to load the default configuration.

.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545@uhuru/gems/membrane-0.0.2/lib/membrane/schema/record.rb:42:in validate': { recaptcha => { recaptcha_private_key => Expected instance of String, given an instance of Bignum, recaptcha_public_key => Expected instance of String, given an instance of Bignum } } (Membrane::SchemaValidationError) from /Users/tastle/Code/uhuru/uhuru-webui/lib/admin_settings.rb:84:inbootstrap' from /Users/tastle/Code/uhuru/uhuru-webui/lib/runner.rb:35:in `initialize'

adasescu commented 10 years ago

Hi Trastle, Thank you for submitting this issue. We will update the code. In the meantime a workaround for this issue is:

Let me know if you still have issues.

thisismana commented 10 years ago

The workaround does the trick. Thank you. Is there any further documentation about "what" and "how" this product works?

adasescu commented 10 years ago

Hi Thisismana,

Thank you for your interest in our product.

This product is designed to work in the context of a CF V2 deployment. Uhuru-webui is a component of our "AppCloudNG" product (which is a CF V2 deployment) which can be deployed from Uhuru Cloud Commander. It gets configured in /config/uhuru-webui.yml when "AppCloudNG" is deployed. We don't have yet a documentation on how to manually configure and integrate with a CF V2 deployment. You can see some instructions on how to use it on our support page http://uhurusoftware.com/support/ in Using a Cloud Foundry PaaS deployed by the Uhuru Cloud Commander section.