UiPath / orchestrator-powershell

UiPath Orchestrator PowerShell cmdlet library
MIT License
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Edit-UiPath Robot BadRequest #103

Open Xyclade opened 4 years ago

Xyclade commented 4 years ago
 Edit-UiPathRobot -ID 226  -Password test -Verbose

Results in below error:

 Edit-UiPathRobot : Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'
 At line:1 char:1
 + Edit-UiPathRobot -ID 226  -Password test -Verbose
 + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Edit-UiPathRobot], HttpOperationException
   + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException,UiPath.PowerShell.Cmdlets.EditRobot

Details of Orchestrator it is being used upon:

URL : https://... WindowsCredentials : True Authenticated : True ApiVersion : 9.0 BuildVersion : 2019.10.15 OrganizationUnit : TenantName : Default AccountName : RequestTimeout : CloudDeployment : None

This error also holds for changing other items such as machine / description

Xyclade commented 4 years ago

Additional info found:

A similar issue happens in case you try to post to the API when you miss one of the following fields: