UlfNorell / agda-prelude

Programming library for Agda
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Substitution in Tactic.Reflection.Subtitute is buggy #65

Open xekoukou opened 4 years ago

xekoukou commented 4 years ago

Consider this code :

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection
open import Reflection
open import Prelude.Nat
open import Prelude.Bool
open import Prelude.Unit
open import Prelude.List
open import Tactic.Reflection.Substitute

fff : Term
fff = pat-lam [ clause (   arg (arg-info visible relevant) (var "a")
                        ∷ (arg (arg-info visible relevant) (var "b"))
                        ∷ []) (var 0 [ arg (arg-info visible relevant) (var 2 []) ]) ] []

ggg : Term
ggg = substTerm (safe (def (quote Nat) []) _ ∷ []) fff

  B : Term → Set

aaa : B ggg
aaa = {!!}

Inspecting the hole with normalization gives this output :

Goal: B
       clause (vArg (var "a") ∷ [ vArg (var "b") ])
       (var 1 [ vArg (def (quote Nat) []) ])

There seem to be at least two errors in the algorithm : a. https://github.com/UlfNorell/agda-prelude/blob/master/src/Tactic/Reflection/Substitute.agda#L79 b. https://github.com/UlfNorell/agda-prelude/blob/master/src/Tactic/Reflection/Substitute.agda#L101

The example shows the "b" error. You should not use reverse.

xekoukou commented 4 years ago

Completely untested , this might work :

module Substitute where

open import Prelude hiding (abs)
open import Builtin.Reflection
open import Tactic.Reflection.DeBruijn

patternArgsVars : List (Arg Pattern) → Nat

patternVars : Pattern → Nat
patternVars (con _ ps) = patternArgsVars ps
patternVars dot = 1
patternVars (var _) = 1
patternVars (lit x) = 0
patternVars (proj _) = 0
patternVars absurd = 0

patternArgsVars [] = 0
patternArgsVars (arg _ p ∷ ps) = patternVars p + patternArgsVars ps

Isubst : Set → Set
Isubst A = Nat → List Term → A → A

isubstTerm : Isubst Term
isubstArgs : Isubst (List (Arg Term))
isubstArg : Isubst (Arg Term)
isubstAbs : Isubst (Abs Term)
isubstSort : Isubst Sort
isubstClauses : Isubst (List Clause)
isubstClause : Isubst Clause
applyTerm : Term → List (Arg Term) → Term

applyTerm v [] = v
applyTerm (var x args) args₁ = var x (args ++ args₁)
applyTerm (con c args) args₁ = con c (args ++ args₁)
applyTerm (def f args) args₁ = def f (args ++ args₁)
applyTerm (meta x args) args₁ = meta x (args ++ args₁)
applyTerm (lam v (abs _ t)) (arg _ x ∷ args) = applyTerm (isubstTerm 0 [ x ] t) args
applyTerm (pat-lam cs args) args₁ = pat-lam cs (args ++ args₁)
applyTerm (pi a b) _ = pi a b
applyTerm (agda-sort s) _ = agda-sort s
applyTerm (lit l)  _ = lit l
applyTerm unknown _ = unknown

isubstTerm n σ (var x args) =
  case (n ≤? x) of
  λ { true → 
       case index σ (x - n) of λ
        { nothing  → var (x - length σ) (isubstArgs n σ args)
        ; (just v) → applyTerm v (isubstArgs n σ args) }
    ; false → var x (isubstArgs n σ args) }
isubstTerm n σ (con c args) = con c (isubstArgs n σ args)
isubstTerm n σ (def f args) = def f (isubstArgs n σ args)
isubstTerm n σ (meta x args) = meta x (isubstArgs n σ args)
isubstTerm n σ (lam v b) = lam v (isubstAbs n σ b)
isubstTerm n σ (pat-lam cs args) = pat-lam (isubstClauses n σ cs) (isubstArgs n σ args)
isubstTerm n σ (pi a b) = pi (isubstArg n σ a) (isubstAbs n σ b)
isubstTerm n σ (agda-sort s) = agda-sort (isubstSort n σ s)
isubstTerm n σ (lit l) = lit l
isubstTerm n σ unknown = unknown

isubstSort n σ (set t) = set (isubstTerm n σ t)
isubstSort n σ (lit ln) = lit ln
isubstSort n σ unknown = unknown

isubstClauses n σ [] = []
isubstClauses n σ (c ∷ cs) = isubstClause n σ c ∷ isubstClauses n σ cs

isubstClause n σ (clause ps b) =
  case patternArgsVars ps of λ
  { zero    → clause ps (isubstTerm n σ b)
  ; (suc ln) → clause ps (isubstTerm (suc ln + n) (weaken (suc ln) σ) b)
isubstClause n σ (absurd-clause ps) = absurd-clause ps

isubstArgs n σ [] = []
isubstArgs n σ (x ∷ args) = isubstArg n σ x ∷ isubstArgs n σ args
isubstArg n σ (arg i x) = arg i (isubstTerm n σ x)
isubstAbs n σ (abs x v) = abs x $ isubstTerm (suc n) (weaken 1 σ) v

Subst : Set → Set
Subst A = List Term → A → A

substTerm : Subst Term
substTerm = isubstTerm 0

substArgs : Subst (List (Arg Term))
substArgs = isubstArgs 0

substArg : Subst (Arg Term)
substArg = isubstArg 0

substAbs : Subst (Abs Term)
substAbs = isubstAbs 0

substSort : Subst Sort
substSort = isubstSort 0

substClauses : Subst (List Clause)
substClauses = isubstClauses 0

substClause : Subst Clause
substClause = isubstClause 0