Open UlfNorell opened 10 years ago
From on May 31, 2012 03:49:35
The story here is:
compareType _34 =< ((ℓ : Level) → R ℓ) sorts: (Set _33) and Setω term _33 := Setω MetaVars.assign: assigning to Sort Inf sort comparison failed s1 = (Set _33) s2 = Setω compareTerm _34 =< ((ℓ : Level) → R ℓ) : (Set _33) attempting shortcut _34 := ((ℓ : Level) → R ℓ) ...
and the respective code in Conversion.hs
compareSort CmpEq s1 s2 `catchError` \err -> case err of
TypeError _ _ -> do
reportSDoc "tc.conv.type" 30 $ vcat
[ text "sort comparison failed"
, nest 2 $ vcat
[ text "s1 =" <+> prettyTCM s1
, text "s2 =" <+> prettyTCM s2
-- This error will probably be more informative
compareTerm cmp (sort s1) a1 a2
-- Throw the original error if the above doesn't
-- give an error (for instance, due to pending
-- constraints).
-- Or just ignore it... We run into this with irrelevant levels
-- which may show up in sort constraints, causing them to fail.
-- In any case it's not safe to ignore the error, for instance
-- a1 might be Set and a2 a meta of type Set, in which case we
-- really need the sort comparison to fail, instead of silently
-- instantiating the meta.
throwError err
When sort comparison creates a universe inconsistency, Agda tries to produce a better error message by invoking the term comparison. This does not produce an error in this case, so the non-informative error is thrown. Maybe it could be extended to include the two terms which were tried to match, like:
a1 != a2 because of err
Labels: Errors
From on May 31, 2012 05:57:24
I have changed the error message to
((r₁ : (ℓ : Level) → R ℓ) {a : Level} {A : Set a} → A → A) !=< (P {_33} _32 _34) because this would result in an invalid use of Setω when checking that the expression has type (P {_33} _32 _34)
I hope that is better.
From on May 31, 2012 06:00:56
Status: Fixed
From p.giarrusso on July 23, 2013 09:21:19
Could the error message mention level-polymorphism and provide a link? You can mention Setω
if you like, but if would be helpful to give some rationale such as
"Types of level-polymorphic functions don't have a type"
(Maybe you want universe-polymorphic there instead, but level-polymorphic is IMHO clearer since Level often appears in Agda source). A link to the Agda wiki would also help - it could at least link to some ML discussion (or paste its contents), such as
From nils.anders.danielsson on August 21, 2013 08:45:11
Types of level-polymorphic functions can have types:
data D (ℓ : Level) : Set where d : D ℓ
Type-of-foo : Set Type-of-foo = (ℓ : Level) → D ℓ
foo : Type-of-foo foo _ = d
Status: Accepted
Labels: -Errors ErrorReporting Priority-Medium
From nils.anders.danielsson on May 28, 2012 11:58:47
module Bad-error-message where
postulate Level : Set lzero : Level lsuc : Level → Level ⊔ : Level → Level → Level
record R (ℓ : Level) : Set ℓ where
postulate r : ∀ ℓ → R ℓ
module M (r : ∀ ℓ → R ℓ) where
data D (ℓ : Level) : Set ℓ where
id : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → A → A id x = x
data K : Set where k₁ k₂ : K
P : ∀ {ℓ} → K → Set ℓ → Set ℓ P k₁ A = A → A P k₂ A = D _
open M r
postulate Foo : ∀ {k a} {A : Set a} → P k A → Set
Bar : Set Bar = Foo
-- Could this error message be improved?
-- Bug.agda:39,11-15 -- Setω is not a valid type. -- when checking that the expression has type P M.k₁ _34
Original issue: