Having an overloaded constructor in scope with different fixity for its different instances bears trouble:
module A where
infixr 4 ,
record × (A B : Set) : Set where
constructor ,
fst : A
snd : B
module B where
infixl 2 ,
data Ty : Set where
data Cxt : Set where
ε : Cxt
, : (Γ : Cxt) (a : Ty) → Cxt
open A
open B
test : (Γ : Cxt) → Set₁
test ε = Set
test (Γ , a) = {!Γ!} -- press C-c C-c here
Agda splits
test (ε , a) = ?
test (Γ , a , a₁) = ?
but then cannot parse it
, is not a constructor of the datatype Ty
when checking that the pattern a , a₁ has type Ty
In the current design of Agda, this cannot be made to work. Overloaded constructors with different fixity cannot be parsed before resolving the overloaded, which happens at type-checking.
This shows that phase separation parsing/scope checking/type-checking is impossible for the current design.
Question: Why is the first fixity taken for , and not the second?
Answer: None should be taken, instead an error "fixity clash" should be raised (similar to when we use a name that is in scope from two different modules)!
From andreas....@gmail.com on November 23, 2013 21:55:40
Having an overloaded constructor in scope with different fixity for its different instances bears trouble:
module A where
infixr 4 ,
record × (A B : Set) : Set where constructor , field fst : A snd : B
module B where
infixl 2 ,
data Ty : Set where
data Cxt : Set where ε : Cxt , : (Γ : Cxt) (a : Ty) → Cxt
open A open B
test : (Γ : Cxt) → Set₁ test ε = Set test (Γ , a) = {!Γ!} -- press C-c C-c here
Agda splits
test (ε , a) = ? test (Γ , a , a₁) = ?
but then cannot parse it
, is not a constructor of the datatype Ty when checking that the pattern a , a₁ has type Ty
In the current design of Agda, this cannot be made to work. Overloaded constructors with different fixity cannot be parsed before resolving the overloaded, which happens at type-checking. This shows that phase separation parsing/scope checking/type-checking is impossible for the current design.
Question: Why is the first fixity taken for , and not the second?
Answer: None should be taken, instead an error "fixity clash" should be raised (similar to when we use a name that is in scope from two different modules)!
Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/agda/issues/detail?id=978