UltiMafia / Ultimafia

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feat(shop): Profile Pets #1526

Open Golbolco opened 1 month ago

Golbolco commented 1 month ago

What, did you think it was just a meme?

Acceptance Criteria:

NOTE: This is a high-level feature that will take much planning. Could be spun out into its own section of the site depending on popularity. Pull requests related to this feature will be closely scrutinized.

Ammico commented 1 month ago

current style: cat aprox. value: 50 coins default pool of approx. 10 different color variation

custom stats include:

actions include:

Stage 1 - egg (or something, presesnt? package?)

Stage 2 - baby pet/young

Stage 3- full grown/adult

this time can be reduced by 1 hour for each game played on site (4 games played = time to hatch reduced by 4h) *


Pets can be -Joyful :smile: full stat meters + extra pets/treats

-Contented :thumbsup:
80% all stat meters

-OK :face_with_diagonal_mouth: 50% stat meters

-Upset :thumbsdown: 30% stat meters

-Angery 😠 15% or less of all total stat meters

an angry pet may run away or bite you if you try to feed it

Personality & Traits

Pets develop different personalities when they are raised to adulthood. The kind of personality they develop is influenced by their treatment as kittens, but every cat has a small likelihood to develop one of any different personality

Personalities include:


Traits are developed in a pets adulthood in response to their condition similar to personalities, however traits gained may be rid of and up to [3] traits can be collected at one time.

Traits include:


to be continued ...