UltiMafia / Ultimafia

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bug(mafia): compiled disguiser bugs #22

Open pikulet opened 1 year ago

pikulet commented 1 year ago

image guiser went on vegged doctor daniel's role should show doctor, pikulet's role should show ?

This is even if the vesting happens n1 and the guisekill happens n2.



This is the dead cop's view, he can see the guiser's role icon. Might affect gy mechanics.

pikulet commented 1 year ago

by sharky

Setup: 1 res, 1 vig, 3 vill, 1 guiser, 1 mafioso

n0: vig: vote NO, mafia: kill 1 vill, guiser: vote YES, res: vote NO d1: ALL: vote NO n1: vig: kill guiser, maf: vote NO KILL, guiser: vote NO, res: REVIVE DEAD

RESULT: original guiser target is still dead, guiser alive as original self, but shows CLEAR BLUE? d2: ALL VOTE ORIGINAL GUISER: "GUISER EXECUTED, ROLE WAS DISGUISER"