UltiMafia / Ultimafia

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feat(mafia): add forum mafia roles #629

Open ultimafia-bot opened 1 year ago

ultimafia-bot commented 1 year ago

mafiascum (ms)

based off @Golbolco's role patrols on this thread

based of @Golbolco's role patrols


pikulet commented 1 year ago

wow @R9H9 thanks

ultimafia-bot commented 1 year ago

I've removed Security Guard from the list as it essentially does the same thing as Chandler. ~R9H9

Golbolco commented 1 year ago

there's a few of these I would avoid adding as roles and instead just replicate their behaviors with modifiers, eg. Babysitter, and some if we're being honest are just not fun

ultimafia-bot commented 1 year ago

I've updated babysitter and hider to role that should be modifierised. edit: and joat ~R9H9