Ultimaker / Cura

3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
5.96k stars 2.04k forks source link

Crash on drag&drop #11300

Closed sladaar closed 2 years ago

sladaar commented 2 years ago

Application Version



Windows 10


Anycubic i3 mega

Reproduction steps

  1. Drag & drop to open file

Actual results

Cura crashes!

Expected results

Opening the file...

Checklist of files to include

Additional information & file uploads

2022-01-20 11:33:29,862 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [64]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles took 0.011558771133422852 seconds 2022-01-20 11:35:29,679 - INFO - [MainThread] cura.CuraApplication.readLocalFile [1770]: Attempting to read file file:///D:/Anycubic/Food+Chain+Magnate+Organizer/files/FCM_Marketing-1.stl 2022-01-20 11:35:29,682 - INFO - [JobQueueWorker [4]] STLReader.STLReader.load_file [53]: Using NumPy-STL to load STL data. 2022-01-20 11:35:29,688 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [558]: Calculating normals took 0.0 seconds 2022-01-20 11:35:29,689 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] STLReader.STLReader._read [105]: Loaded a mesh with 6192 vertices 2022-01-20 11:35:29,699 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [505]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.005001544952392578 seconds. 27 input vertices. 27 output vertices. 2022-01-20 11:35:29,894 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] UM.FileHandler.ReadFileJob.run [83]: Loading file took 0.2 seconds 2022-01-20 11:35:29,904 - DEBUG - [JobQueueWorker [4]] UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [505]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.005028486251831055 seconds. 27 input vertices. 27 output vertices. 2022-01-20 11:35:29,916 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Operations.OperationStack.push [72]: <UM.Operations.AddSceneNodeOperation.AddSceneNodeOperation object at 0x000001B6E6AAA520>, took 2ms 2022-01-20 11:35:29,937 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Operations.OperationStack.push [72]: GroupedOp.(#=2) RotateOp.(node=<CuraSceneNode object: 'FCM_Marketing-1.stl'>,rot.=Q<0.0,0.0,0.0,w=4.0>) TranslateOp.(node=<CuraSceneNode object: 'FCM_Marketing-1.stl'>,trans.=<0.000,0.000,0.000>), took 2ms 2022-01-20 11:35:30,142 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.onQmlWarning [424]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.13.0/resources/qml/ObjectItemButton.qml:79:9: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "width" 2022-01-20 11:35:30,146 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.onQmlWarning [424]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.13.0/resources/qml/ObjectItemButton.qml:79:9: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "width" 2022-01-20 11:35:30,150 - WARNING - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtApplication.__onQmlWarning [424]: file:///C:/Program Files/Ultimaker Cura 4.13.0/resources/qml/ObjectItemButton.qml:79:9: QML Button: Binding loop detected for property "width"

fieldOfView commented 2 years ago

We need the entire log file to diagnose this. Nothing in the snippet you provided says anything about a crash.

Does Cura also crash when you use File -> Open... instead of drag and drop?

sladaar commented 2 years ago


Sorry, here it is!

And no, it doesn't. It just crashes on drag&drop!

fvrmr commented 2 years ago

Hi @sladaar thank you for your log. Unfortunately your log doesn't give any information why it is crashing. I could also not reproduce this issue myself. Does it only happen in 4.13?

no-response[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically closed because there has been no response to our request for more information from the original author. With only the information that is currently in the issue, we don't have enough information to take action. Please reach out if you have or find the answers we need so that we can investigate further.