Ultimaker / Cura

3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
5.96k stars 2.04k forks source link

Default STL application #15213

Open Synochy opened 1 year ago

Synochy commented 1 year ago

Application Version



windows 11


Sidewinder x2

Reproduction steps

Install cura 5.3.0 Double click on an STL file Choose Cura C:\Program Files\UltiMaker Cura 5.3.0\UltiMaker-Cura.exe as default application

Actual results

Nothing happen

Expected results

Double click on an STL file It opens cura and load the file into the slicer

Checklist of files to include

Additional information & file uploads


GregValiant commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report. I don't remember Cura being the default for STL files. On my Windows 11 machine the default for STL is MS 3D Builder. Cura was installed after Builder so it didn't change my default. To change it from 3D Builder I used the Start button and selected Settings and then searched for "Choose Default Application by File Type". Scroll down to STL and you can change it to Cura.

I don't know that this is a Cura problem or a Windows problem. Someone from the Cura Team will chip in.

Synochy commented 1 year ago

I had it during a while like this. I already try your method but it doesn't work. For information I tried on two differents computers and I have the same problem.

fieldOfView commented 1 year ago

Just to rule something out: do you happen to have the MeshTools plugin installed? If so, please update it to the latest version available in the Marketplace. Version 3.7.1 could prevent the Cura window from opening on start, making it look like nothing happens.

Synochy commented 1 year ago

I have MeshTools install in version 3.7.2.

JohnathonMohr commented 1 year ago

I have this problem as well. I do not have MeshTools plugin installed.

In Cura 4.x, it seemed to register itself with Windows as a program that could open .stl files. Upon double-clicking an stl file, Windows would ask what program to launch it with, and Cura 4.x was an option suggested by Windows. With 5.x, Cura isn't even suggested, and requires browsing to the .exe in Program Files. However, even in doing that, Cura is not launched successfully.

Synochy commented 1 year ago

Up ?

pasqone commented 1 year ago

any news? I'm having the same issue

pasqone commented 1 year ago

I found a workaround: first I uninstalled all cura versions, then I made a complete cleanup of registry with CCleaner. rebooted, reinstalled cura and everything works as supposed to.

Synochy commented 1 year ago

Did not worked for me :(

Any other solution ?