Ultimaker / Cura

3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[CURA 4.0.0 BETA] Black screen after 2 minutes with Ryzen CPU and ASUS motherboard #5265

Open fanfan7110 opened 5 years ago

fanfan7110 commented 5 years ago

Hello, At each launch without exception of Cura 4.0.0 beta, the software runs for about 1 to 2 minutes then the screen goes black, all the USB systems are disconnected and the PC is permanently blocked in this black screen. Even the Reset does not work anymore. The power must be turned off and then reactivated to restart. There is no precise point that triggers this problem, as it can happen without a model, with a model, during a calculation or even empty. To check, I reformatted the computer and reinstalled everything and the problem returned to the identical. On my second PC (less powerful but Intel processor) the problem does not appear. By taking the same configuration of the intel but copied in the Ryzen, the bug is still there. This is not an installation problem or defective files. I would rather look at an incompatibility with the processor.

Application Version CUra 4.0

Platform Windows 10

Printer Alphawise U20

Steps to Reproduce Just install in a ryzen5

Actual Results Black screen

LipuFei commented 4 years ago

@Asbra34 Thanks! We will discuss this and hopeful get some new ideas.

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

Crashes 3700x with no model loaded or slicing, about 3 minutes Idle. No other apps open.

LipuFei commented 4 years ago

Hi all, for us to make sure that CuraEngine has nothing to do with this issue, could you try one more thing? Thanks in advance.

image image

Asbra34 commented 4 years ago

@LipuFei I tested cura without CuraEngine (checked task manager and there was no slice button in cura) and it crashed after around 30 minutes idle. I did not load any models or even rotate the view. And i used your debug_ryzen build.

GibsAndBits commented 4 years ago

@LipuFei I have experienced this issue as well and I believe it may be an issue specifically with Ryzen CPUs and ASUS motherboards. There is an issue with the monitoring sensors in the ASUS motherboards that cause a similar issue if multiple monitoring programs access the same sensor. This results in a "frozen" PC state where the PC is still on, but no inputs function, including the PC power button.

Rather lengthy post for more info: ASUS x470F forum post

Hope this at least sheds some light on the cause of the issue.

lenne0815 commented 4 years ago

Does cura poll sensors ?

Ghostkeeper commented 4 years ago

No, it doesn't. It does poll USB ports though. Complete list (as far as I can think of) that Cura ever uses from your OS:

@GibsAndBits that matches with the findings previously in this thread from fanfan7110.

lenne0815 commented 4 years ago

Interesting, maybe @fanfan7110 can report again if he ever encountered the issue on the gigabyte board later on. Im also on a asus board fwiw.

Would it be possible to get a build for testing with the whole usb component cut out ?

Edit: after further inspection the linked thread from @gibsandbits doesnt really reflect my problem, its a fan issue with the x470, my fans work fine until the pc blackscreens / lock up.

GibsAndBits commented 4 years ago

The issue I linked was related to a black screen crash on Asus+Ryzen where the PC becomes unresponsive with a black screen, but remains powered on indefinitely. This is the same type of crash I have experienced with Cura. The only way to restart computer is to manually cut power to the motherboard, as even the power button is unresponsive. A lot of information about the problem is vague, as there isn't a crash or error event. However, the majority of people in that thread have avoided it by not installing monitoring suites, such as AISuite, Asus Aura, etc.

Skybeat commented 4 years ago

@LipuFei I tested cura without CuraEngine (checked task manager and there was no slice button in cura) and it crashed after around 30 minutes idle. I did not load any models or even rotate the view. And i used your debug_ryzen build.

Exactly the same for me.

Skybeat commented 4 years ago

The issue I linked was related to a black screen crash on Asus+Ryzen where the PC becomes unresponsive with a black screen, but remains powered on indefinitely. This is the same typemof crash I have experienced with Cura. The only way to restart computer is to manually cut power to the motherboard, as even the power button is unresponsive. A lot of information about the problem is vague, as there isn't a crash or error event. However, the majority of people in that thread have avoided it by not installing monitoring suites, such as AISuite, Asus Aura, etc.

Well, i have installed the AISuite. I will uninstall it and try it again. I will post the result

lenne0815 commented 4 years ago

I dont have ai suite or any other monitoring software installed, nor does my pc blackscreen in any other situation than running cura in the background. But, i think we can establish that everyone reporting crashes runs an asus mobo ?

GibsAndBits commented 4 years ago

I have been able to use PrusaSlic3r successfully on my Ryzen PC without any crashes. I believe PruseSlic3r has USB/serial interfacing disabled by default (if it's even an option, I use a Raspberry pi). Could the serial interaction be a potential cause? I believe the serial interface goes through the same Super I/O chip as temp monitoring.

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

I do use an Asus Prime x470 with 3700x. But I don't get a black screen. It just restarts. I have a fast M.2 SSD as start up, so when Cura "crashes" I'm back to the login windows 10 ultimate screen in a couple seconds.

Interesting if we can take a poll of those with Asus x470 motherboards here?

LipuFei commented 4 years ago

@GibsAndBits Thanks for the information. I only found an Asus Prime X470-PRO on Asus website. Is that the one you are using? I also saw a BIOS update on July 31. Does that help?

@disneytoy Below is a poll for this issue. I've never used this polls app before so not sure if it works..

EDIT: Changed to focus on ASUS motherboards.

lenne0815 commented 4 years ago

Thats way to focused on the 470x i think we should focus on asus ryzen mobos in general, im on a asus x370 prime and have the problems. I do have a ryzen non asus setup aswell though, ill install cura there, load my profiles and see if that crashes also later today.

LipuFei commented 4 years ago

Thats way to focused on the 470x i think we should focus on asus ryzen mobos in general, im on a asus x370 prime and have the problems. I do have a ryzen non asus setup aswell though, ill install cura there, load my profiles and see if that crashes also later today.

I've updated the polls to focus on Asus motherboard in general.

lenne0815 commented 4 years ago

Perfect ! Im really looking forward to testing it later today.

LipuFei commented 4 years ago

@GibsAndBits The USB/serial connection code hasn't seen many changes For those of you how suspect the USB/serial connection. If you suspect the USB connection, you can remove the "USBPrinting" plugin in the plugins folder where your Cura is installed. The screenshot below also shows a number of plugins that you can remove without crashing Cura, but of course, some functionalities will not function correctly or not be available at all.

EDIT: forgot the screenshot...


Skybeat commented 4 years ago

So I have uninstalled all Monitoring software as well as AI Suite but the crash is still there. Next i will remove plugins as @LipuFei recommended.

Ghostkeeper commented 4 years ago

Easier way to disable plug-ins is from the interface: Go to Marketplace, then "Installed" tab. Then uncheck the plug-ins you wish to disable and restart Cura.

Ghostkeeper commented 4 years ago

Well, i have installed the AISuite. I will uninstall it and try it again. I will post the result

Note that previously in this thread people have said that removing the AISuite only solved the problem by removing all traces of it, by completely reinstalling the computer without that AISuite thing.

GibsAndBits commented 4 years ago

@LipuFei my hardware is an Asus ROG Strix x470-f Gaming with a Ryzen 2600X CPU. I have never had AISuite installed on my current OS install.

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

Yes I am using a 3700x with Asus Prime X470-PRO Latest bios Version 5204 2019/07/31. I have AI Suite but never used it?

TheFluffyWalrus commented 4 years ago


Another thing we have in common is we all seem to have "NVIDIA GPUS"....

I personally don't think it's directly related to RYZEN and ASUS but I think NVIDIA is part of the issue too

janrg commented 4 years ago

@TheFluffyWalrus Given the marketshare of NVIDIA it's not surprising, you'd expect perhaps 1 person out of a group of our size to not have one (perhaps 2 if you factor in that people with AMD CPUs may be more likely to buy AMD GPUs)

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

My GPU is an old GTX 460 9 years old

robnivis commented 4 years ago

Well, i have installed the AISuite. I will uninstall it and try it again. I will post the result

Note that previously in this thread people have said that removing the AISuite only solved the problem by removing all traces of it, by completely reinstalling the computer without that AISuite thing.

when I did this previously it didn't solve the problem, only gave a very brief respite

lenne0815 commented 4 years ago

So i ran it on my ryzen msi board with amd gpu - no crash. But just to make matters even more confusing, a guy reported with the same as my crash mobo that it doesnt crash for him...

robnivis commented 4 years ago

So to summarise a little here:

13 reports from ASUS boards crashing, 2 reports from Gigabyte and MSI not crashing

Of the ASUS boards, B-450 (1 report), X-450 (1 report), X-470 (8 reports), X-370 (2 reports)

So it can be narrowed down to ASUS boards I think. Could it be the ASUS VRM issue we mentioned a couple of months ago?

TheFluffyWalrus commented 4 years ago

@janrg I am suggesting to those who have an AMD CPU that has GRAPHICS remove their dedicated NVIDIA card and see if they still crash?

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

I'm taking a poll on the Facebook CR10 user group and so far those with Cura+Ryzen+MSI no issues.

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

WORKAROUND: I'm still testing. I tried Ideamaker but could not figure it out. I know Cura settings very well. I downloaded SANDBOXIE which is a windows sandbox. I right clicked Cura and chose RUN IN SANDBOXIE. It puts a yellow outline around the window. So far no crashes after 30 min. I'll let it run and report back if it crashes.

UPDATE: It crashed after an hour. Came back to the boot screen:-(

Ghostkeeper commented 4 years ago

Could you guys try using compatibility mode for layer view? It's in Preferences -> Configure Cura... -> Force Layer View Compatibility Mode.

This causes Cura to be rendered with OpenGL 2.1 instead of OpenGL 4.0.

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

"Preferences -> Configure Cura... -> Force Layer View Compatibility Mode."

Tried it. I crashed in 1 hour. (3700x Aus Prime x470)

So Developers,

What processes are you running that don't start for 60 minutes?

Ghostkeeper commented 4 years ago

Nothing afaik. The longest timer in Cura is 8 minutes to refresh an authentication token, and that only happens while you're logged into an Ultimaker account. After that, the longest timer I know of is the 30 second timeout of messages on the bottom of your screen.

Maybe something could be happening with the internet connectivity? Cura doesn't make a connection to the internet aside from user interaction (like opening the Marketplace), EXCEPT if you're connected to your printer via OctoPrint or connected to an Ultimaker printer via LAN. It then requests a status update every 2 seconds. Maybe if the internet connection is interrupted something could happen?

From all the things I've seen though, something is going wrong in the power management of the motherboard or access to RAM. I'm 99% sure that Cura just happens to hit some usage pattern that triggers it. The online forums about this topic report that it happens while gaming or when a VM is open.

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

I don't know if the log would tell us anything after a crash:

How do I view Windows logs?

Click Windows Start button > Type event in Search programs and files field.
Select Event Viewer.

Navigate to Windows Logs > Application, and then find the latest event with “Error” in the Level column and “Application Error” in the Source column.

Copy the text on the General tab.

rxdpunk commented 4 years ago

Been using 4.3. I am no longer getting a crash that completely shutdown pc and requires a hard power cycle. However after random amounts of time it will cause my pc to reboot. I haven't timed it but maybe around 20 min or so before a reboot occurs.

LipuFei commented 4 years ago

I dont know... We didn't do anything specifically for this problem because we still don't know the root cause.

Ghostkeeper commented 4 years ago

We still haven't been able to do anything to fix this, no. Our programming language of choice is powerless with this sort of thing.

Maybe you downloaded new drivers for your CPU or new graphics drivers and that fixed it? Or changed the result?

nallath commented 4 years ago


disneytoy commented 4 years ago

lenno0815, Which Asus motherboard are you using, and have you updated bios at all?

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I will try the new 4.3 on my Asus Prime x470 (3700x).

UPDATE: Crashed at 17 minutes Idle with a stl loaded and sliced:-(

disneytoy commented 4 years ago

Can I confirm from the developers, there is no crashing issue on MSI boards? I may get a new Motherboard.

Ghostkeeper commented 4 years ago

We only know of the issue from this thread (and the accompanying forum topic that linked to it).

In this thread it was determined that the issue was only happening with the combination of ASUS motherboards together with Ryzen CPUs. As far as we've seen anyway.

lenne0815 commented 4 years ago

Aaaaaaaand It Crashed AGAIN Hooooray !!!

VanillaWaferX commented 4 years ago

Going to throw another report of crashing in the mix. Asus ROG Strix x470-f Ryzen 2700 4x8gb Corsair ram and a XFX vega 64. I am also running windows and Cura 4.1 off an NVME Ssd in case that matters.

I want to note that my crashes are random. Not Right away and Cura does not have to be open during the crash. If I open it at some point I might get a hard crash later after I close it.

Also I'm going to grab 4.3 when I get home and start testing.

Update: 4.3 Crashed sitting in the background with a sliced model. About an hour and a half open and black screens pc.

barthelby commented 4 years ago

just found this topic after 3 weeks of random crashes

my config:

i've done a fresh install two days ago (thought it was a driver problem...)

FluffyTheWalrus commented 4 years ago

So I can confirm my issue went away when I swapped my NVIDIA GPU for an ATI GPU...

3 days running idle no crashes, 1 day printing from USB no crash.

larsleukert commented 4 years ago

Since uninstalling Asus AI Suite and Aura Sync Software i have never had reboots again. Before i had reboots after several minutes - only with Cura running/idle. (Asus Prime X470-PRO, Ryzan 7 2700x, RadeonRadeon RX 590, not OCed)