Ultimaker / Cura

3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
6.22k stars 2.08k forks source link

Non-Planar Skin Layers #5980

Open mbartlett21 opened 5 years ago

mbartlett21 commented 5 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When slicing slopes with only a small deviation from horizontal (<10 degrees), it generates many steps on the slop

Describe the solution you'd like I would like to have skin layers printed with a slope, like in the example below.

Describe alternatives you've considered I did edit the gcode generated by Cura and add some sloped layers on the top, but this would be very tedious

Affected users and/or printers Everyone

Additional context Example results: image

Example GCode with sloped skin (Only tested on my delta printer. This will probable not work on a cartesian printer; I can upload another if you like) slopedsurface.gcode.txt

Ghostkeeper commented 5 years ago

This is a big change! In a way, it violates one of the first assumptions that CuraEngine makes when starting a slice, that all layers are horizontal. The case in this ticket is an edge case but the more general problem is a very interesting one that Ultimaker's project managers had put on the long term road map from time to time under the nomer of "non-planar layers". The idea is that the bottom of a print would be flat, but the top of a print would follow the surface topography of the mesh.

The problem lies in the implementation, which makes this a long term project. Following the mesh surface turns many of our current algorithm from 2D into a 3D problem: collision avoidance, generating enough skin layers, calculating overhang, etc.

It'd certainly be interesting to research in this area. However as you said, it's mostly the Delta printers that would benefit from this since the rest can't move the Z position as fast. That makes the target audience for such a feature very limited and the cost-benefit ratio too low for us to work on this right now.

mbartlett21 commented 5 years ago

@Ghostkeeper On Onshape, I have been trying an implementation of this. Currently, I project the layer surface to horizontal and do my infill work on that, then project it back to the original surface. I have found this to work fairly well, with the extrusion amounts being calculated relative to the original surface.

Here is an example GCode on a curved surface for my AnyCubic Delta machine.

EDIT: New GCode Test.gcode.txt

Ghostkeeper commented 5 years ago

Currently, I project the layer surface to horizontal and do my infill work on that, then project it back to the original surface.

Yeah so that would cause the nozzle to crash into the surface if you have multiple pieces and it needs to travel past a raised piece of the print. It would also cause the skin to be too thick in some places and too thin in others.

mbartlett21 commented 5 years ago

@Ghostkeeper Currently I have 3 layers that follow the topology of the mesh, then go to horizontal layers after that. I have assumed that all the horizontal layers are infill and the top two layers that follow the topology are skin

nubnubbud commented 5 years ago

hmm... This is an interesting idea, though there's the inherent issue of crashing. However, this could just about solve the issue of terrible stepping artifacts on parts with shallow slopes!

I think, however, it would require some way to model the print head in order to avoid moves that would crash into a part, and an unintended consequence is that if a part gets too close to a heat block, chaos may ensue.

my first instinct would be to use the "overhang algorithm", but in reverse, to target shallow, near-horizontal faces, then use a frustum the height of the nozzle to both set the collision mesh and number of top-facing layers to target which ones are viable in a horizontal direction. some considerations:

-will you horizontally expand the layers to calculate which will be too close for the print head to reach

-if you want to get fancy, you could, for example, break it up every 5mm or so to target an entire model. this would be "stepped slanting" or something

-if you want to get really, really fancy, you could make it wait till the next layer would come into contact with the nozzle, then print slanted layers on all the layers currently due for them. this would be "adaptive slanting" or something

-the slanted areas will need their height removed, to produce the proper stepped layers, then the slanted layers build on top of that. How that will work in concave areas I do not know.

kyjak commented 5 years ago

It is called non planar printing and was added to Slicer, read https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/ctxns4/nonplanar_3d_printing_functionality_added_to/ Anyway, I vote for this feature! It is GREAT!

thesec commented 5 years ago

+1 for reopening and migration to Cura

devonjones commented 5 years ago

+1 for reopening

AlbeRCLife commented 5 years ago

+1 for reopening

Ghostkeeper commented 5 years ago

What would you like to have re-opened then? This ticket is already open.

kyjak commented 5 years ago

What would you like to have re-opened then? This ticket is already open.

Its probably confusion of the people with some other items. As far as this item includes non-planar printing upgrade, it is great ;)

adrianmihalko commented 5 years ago

However as you said, it's mostly the Delta printers that would benefit from this since the rest can't move the Z position as fast

Wait, what? On Ender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmePlcU0TRw

kyjak commented 5 years ago

Depends on how fast you expect to print. Normally the top layer is slow anyway to get a nice looking finish.

alexander94dmitriev commented 5 years ago

That will be a game changes for 3d printing. But I wonder if this feature request should be opened in CuraEngine instead?

Ghostkeeper commented 5 years ago

We generally prefer to group them here in the Cura repository instead. More people reading it, you see.

tom-truc commented 5 years ago

This is an amazing features ,+1 to implement it in the next versions.

pwbecker commented 5 years ago


FrancescoTalotta commented 5 years ago


hunterirving commented 5 years ago


oezzi commented 5 years ago

+100 to be honest... that could make the top surface look so great and reduce the time to sand it afterwards

Aikufurr commented 5 years ago


oswaldo-be commented 5 years ago


JannSchulte commented 5 years ago


LostKatana commented 5 years ago

Using Slic3r there is an experimental version out there: https://github.com/Zip-o-mat/Slic3r/tree/nonplanar

Cugio commented 4 years ago


ThomasSc commented 4 years ago


Foozinator commented 4 years ago


sinanisler commented 4 years ago


straccio commented 4 years ago


raiscan commented 4 years ago


MichielVdB commented 4 years ago


dxgldotorg commented 4 years ago

I'd love to see nonplanar mode in Cura, especially since my experience with Slic3r's output has been less than stellar.

LordMelkor commented 4 years ago

Also experimented with this feature on Zip-o-mat's Sli3r fork. Would love to see something similar in Cura. It was mentioned that this used to be on the Cura roadmap... is that still the case?

cconde commented 4 years ago

I'd like to see it in Cura, too

Decstasy commented 4 years ago


richard-massless commented 4 years ago


EternityForest commented 4 years ago

It might not do anything for print strength or quality of curves, but what about just randomly varying layer height at different places in the same layer? An algorithms could be used so that no point was ever more than half a mm below the plane where the print is "supposed" to be, but the layer thicknessses would be random and uneven, eliminating the obvious layer lines look.

You'd just have to randomly choose regions to make thinner, then eventually start making them thicker again to bring them up to the proper place.

nubnubbud commented 4 years ago

It might not do anything for print strength or quality of curves, but what about just randomly varying layer height at different places in the same layer? An algorithms could be used so that no point was ever more than half a mm below the plane where the print is "supposed" to be, but the layer thicknessses would be random and uneven, eliminating the obvious layer lines look.

You'd just have to randomly choose regions to make thinner, then eventually start making them thicker again to bring them up to the proper place.

actually, that's a good point. if you could create a regular zigzag or 3D ripple on the z-axis that each layer would follow, you could essentially remove layer lines from being a break point in shear forces. tensile strength may weaken a bit, but it would give each layer more surface area to resist bend-breaks and shearing along each layer.

what you're talking about can be pretty well done already if you're willing to use fuzzy skin. The issue with varying flow and nozzle height like that is that height changes are the slowest movement most machines make, and anything but the best calibration would produce blobs and zits if you did that, because of the minute lag the print head receives from mechanical stresses. However, a very small perlin displacement field for the height of extrusion would do exactly what you're talking about.

the issue is that cura is primarily not a 3D slicer. it slices things in 2 dimensions then calculates how to fill them, because of the libraries it uses, so the displacement field would require you to put line segments at regular intervals so there's enough points (line ends) for the perlin field to displace and leave the smallest gaps possible. file sizes would reach gigs pretty fast even with my interpretation, I think. That also increases firmware lag in some cases, if it's too dense.

nesdnuma commented 4 years ago

+1 for non-planar printing!

maxlinux2000 commented 4 years ago


Geert-S commented 4 years ago


khunpoum commented 4 years ago


street-grease-coder commented 3 years ago


Bob90 commented 3 years ago

It might not do anything for print strength or quality of curves, but what about just randomly varying layer height at different places in the same layer? An algorithms could be used so that no point was ever more than half a mm below the plane where the print is "supposed" to be, but the layer thicknessses would be random and uneven, eliminating the obvious layer lines look.

You'd just have to randomly choose regions to make thinner, then eventually start making them thicker again to bring them up to the proper place.

Someone tried this https://hackaday.com/2016/07/27/3d-printering-non-planar-layer-fdm/

cfontes commented 2 years ago

bump here!

probonopd commented 2 years ago

Wouldn't it nice if one could print nonplanar curved top surfaces? These are often used in industrial design, e.g., here:


I imagine that most of the layers would be printed normally, but then a few nonplanar ones on top, and finally nonplanar ironing. Something along these lines (section view of the layers):


maxlinux2000 commented 2 years ago

+1 wait!! +2!! :-)

petterreinholdtsen commented 1 year ago

Just came across https://yewtu.be/watch?v=1i-1TEdByZY marketing non-planar 3D printing.