Ultimaker / CuraEngine

Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Different print times with same settings but different nozzle (for single wall object) #1976

Open Consti3D opened 8 months ago

Consti3D commented 8 months ago

I'm printing test cubes to find settings for LW-PLA. It is a thin wall cube with single layer. Using the same settings except for the nozzle size of course, including:

For my uderstanding this should lead to the same print time, because of the same settings except for nozzle size. Since it is a single wall it should come to the same no? Do I have a thinking error?

Application Version Cura 5.4

Platform Windows

Steps to Reproduce Load project file

Actual Results calculated print time for 0,4 nozzle is 36 minutes, for 0,6 nozzle it is 25 minutes

Expected results same print time expected

Additional Information test_tower_lwpla.zip