Ultimaker / Ultimaker2

BOM and parts for UM2
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Assembly STEP file? #3

Open DaleDunn opened 10 years ago

DaleDunn commented 10 years ago

May I request an assembly STEP file, or even the SolidWorks assembly? It will be very difficult to examine or extend the design without seeing the relationships between all these parts.

daid commented 10 years ago

Sadly, our full assembly got corrupted because of the student version of Solidworks putting a permanent watermark on it. We currently only have a few incomplete sub-assemblies.

DaleDunn commented 10 years ago

Oh no.. You have my sympathies.

Grijzegijs commented 10 years ago

Indeed, an assembly STEP will help a great deal! In this way no-one can understand a bit of it. And this will not help new open source ideas. Please put main assembly or subassemblies online.

daid commented 10 years ago

Just added the head assembly. Note that the screws are left out, as well as the D2000 spring (for which we have no 3D model) I'll try to add more later. It's quite a bit of work to check everything if it is correct.

NightFalcon650 commented 10 years ago

Oke would be nice if everything is like it supose to be.

Where did you cut the casing panels? Or is it also possible to sell seperate parts??

Helmi commented 10 years ago

any news about the assembly files?