Ultimaker / Ultimaker2

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[Mod] Moving the extruder #7

Open Gregwar opened 10 years ago

Gregwar commented 10 years ago


I keeped on hacking my UM2 and noticied that the extruder was slipping, this seems to be a common issue (see: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3261-ultimaker-2-extrusion-problem/)

To solve this, i've been radical and I designed a part to move the extruder directly over the nozzle.

Here is a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AafTbwCPI98

This is easy to do, because you just need one printed part (it took less than one hour to print it), but you have to solder longest wires for the extruder motor. Moreover, I still can't use the "change" option for my filament and I have to do it manually with "Move material".

I will give it some try to compare this configuration with the original.

ping @daid

Gregwar commented 10 years ago

(I may add it to YouMagine soon)