UltimateDoomBuilder / UltimateDoomBuilder

Comprehensive map editor for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife based games. Works best for ZDoom-family ports while also supporting classic engines. Based on GZDoomBuilder by MaxED & Doom Builder 2 by CodeImp (see — http://doombuilder.com)
GNU General Public License v3.0
433 stars 80 forks source link

[Feature Request] MacOS Port #761

Open jadenquinn opened 2 years ago

jadenquinn commented 2 years ago

I am on my workstation computer, which is a MacBook Pro 16" 2019 with the 5500M and i9-9980HK, and I'm unable to use Ultimate Doom Builder as a whole, as on Windows the program crashes when trying to use the GPU, which so far is unfixable. Due to this, my only other option is to boot back into MacOS and try to find a map editor that actually has devs that care about the Mac (and sometimes Linux) community, but those are far and few. Nearing none. I really do need a fully-featured MacOS map editor, and even if I can't do it myself, it can't be that difficult to port this to MacOS. I don't even need all of the features, I just need a map builder. SLADE is all glitchy on this as it hasn't been updated for the Mac in a while, so that's not a good option. It does work, but it's really really horrible.

Please port this program to the Mac, I, and many others would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, Jaden.

ashifolfi commented 2 years ago

I second this! as a mac user having to reboot into windows just to map for gzdoom is very annoying! I'd love for an actually good cross platform editor for doom that supports macos!

jadenquinn commented 2 years ago

I second this! as a mac user having to reboot into windows just to map for gzdoom is very annoying! I'd love for an actually good cross platform editor for doom that supports macos!

Not to mention running it on Boot Camp is very dodgy, as it crashes a lot of the time, depending on what Mac ya have, and even then, it's impossible with the current Macs.

Superjustinbros commented 1 year ago

Thirding this. I have both a Mac and a PC as my main computers and would love to be able to edit maps across both computers. It would require support for MacOSX's Dark Mode, since it's a fairly recent addition to Mac computers since the past few years, and support for the third mouse button would (unfortunately) need to be dropped since Macs do not support mice with more than two mouse buttons since they're used to navigate around the desktop.

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

Update on this: it seems the only thing keeping this from working on macOS is the lack of updated and working winforms support for modern macos. The driver is still 32bit (iirc) causing a crash on startup when trying to open a window.

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

Thirding this. I have both a Mac and a PC as my main computers and would love to be able to edit maps across both computers. It would require support for MacOSX's Dark Mode, since it's a fairly recent addition to Mac computers since the past few years, and support for the third mouse button would (unfortunately) need to be dropped since Macs do not support mice with more than two mouse buttons since they're used to navigate around the desktop.

macOS has full 3rd mouse button support what are you talking about??? I've been using it in tons of programs!!

jadenquinn commented 1 year ago

Thirding this. I have both a Mac and a PC as my main computers and would love to be able to edit maps across both computers. It would require support for MacOSX's Dark Mode, since it's a fairly recent addition to Mac computers since the past few years, and support for the third mouse button would (unfortunately) need to be dropped since Macs do not support mice with more than two mouse buttons since they're used to navigate around the desktop.

No it doesn't, the program would run fine without dark mode support, just look at SLADE, it doesn't support dark mode, and is fairly silly looking because of it while in dark mode, but it still runs and is at least usable.

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

No it doesn't, the program would run fine without dark mode support, just look at SLADE, it doesn't support dark mode, and is fairly silly looking because of it while in dark mode, but it still runs and is at least usable.

I don't count almost half of the text elements appearing white on white as usable but you do you I guess?

Also you do realize people use dark mode for a reason right? It's not just a "I like the color" thing. Some people (like me) genuinely need it to prevent eye strain and headaches. I can only really use light mode when there's a substantial source of light (like sunlight) and without that it begins to hurt my eyes

ashifolfi commented 1 year ago

if you find a way to use native ui controls then macOS will most of the time do the work for you in most cases due to how uniform the UI is. Though the issue there is finding bindings for C# for that and then rewriting the whole ui for that which is quite the hassle

ShroomiePerson commented 1 year ago

im just replying to this in hopes that it will help someone notice this apart from the 300 other issues

jadenquinn commented 1 year ago

I've moved on from Doom mapping so this isn't really a problem for specifically me anymore, but I'd still love to see a port made for MacOS, or at least one able to be run in default Wine or something. Would be a plus.

DevDema commented 10 months ago

Did anyone manage to make it work without a Virtual Machine or with an extremely lightweight virtual machine? I tried compiling with the Instructions for Linux but it's basically impossible on M1s...