UltimateDoomBuilder / UltimateDoomBuilder

Comprehensive map editor for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife based games. Works best for ZDoom-family ports while also supporting classic engines. Based on GZDoomBuilder by MaxED & Doom Builder 2 by CodeImp (see — http://doombuilder.com)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Preset Multiplayer Mode Launch Options in Test Map dropdown #792

Open Superjustinbros opened 1 year ago

Superjustinbros commented 1 year ago

The Test Map option in the top toolbar, by default, contains testing options for singleplayer/co-op on each of the available skill levels for the associated game and an option to change the source port. There's also a field for additional parameters but if you're not overly familiar with using them you're pretty much limited to just singleplayer testing options (unless the source port allows for switching without rebooting the game).

This idea would make testing maps in different game modes more accessible by adding them to the dropdown menu, allowing players to directly launch into any multiplayer mode included or supported by the source port.

biwa commented 1 year ago

Launching multiplayer from UDB seems quite the niche. Not sure if the UI could be cluttered with that. What you can always do yourself is to add additional entries in the "Testing" tab of the game configuration and set the custom parameters to whatever you want to launch a multiplayer game.

Superjustinbros commented 1 year ago

I think if that were the case then it'd be only the game modes that would be important to test for, since they rely on things placed in the level.

Superjustinbros commented 1 year ago

I did a bit more thinking and after some extra thoughts I think it would be better if the extra game modes were defined manually based on the game/source port in the Game Configurations window, and all multiplayer modes that are defined would appear under the singleplayer/co-op options and above the available list of engines in the Test Map dropdown menu. This way, one can configure the list of multiplayer modes to only modes that they intend to map for and without having to configure each mode as a separate engine.