UltimateHackingKeyboard / agent

Ultimate Hacking Keyboard configurator
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Agent ver 4.0.2 - Low contrast on keys borders #2216

Closed dxps closed 2 months ago

dxps commented 3 months ago

Dear UHK team & community,

With the latest version - 4.0.2 at the time of this writing - of the Agent, the layout misses some contrast on keys borders.

In Agent ver 4.0.0 it looked like this: image

And now, in Agent ver 4.0.2 it looks like this: image

I'm using:


dxps commented 3 months ago

Furthermore, in Agent ver 3.x this looked nice and clean, imho:


mondalaci commented 3 months ago

Hi there!

If you use functional backlighting instead of per-key backlighting, Agent 4 will render your UHK just as it's rendered by Agent 3, according to your last screenshot.

When per-key backlighting is enabled, you're right that the keys should have a visible border, as featured in your first screenshot. We'll fix this issue.

dxps commented 3 months ago

Hi László!

Understood. I am using Per-key backlighting option. Even with this, I still believe that a darker color for the case is better than white, imho.

As always, thanks for the quick feedback! And thanks for the satisfaction of owning and using 3 UHK toys. :blush:

mondalaci commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your huge support, Marius!

The ideal case color is not obvious when per-key backlighting is enabled. A very dim case color doesn't match well if all your keys are bright. Originally, the case color was chosen based on the average of the key colors, but it didn't look good. There's no perfect solution, and I think the current color choice is reasonable for most.

dxps commented 3 months ago

I know this is a pure cosmetics topic and I don't want to insist on it. To me, as a user, I would prefer to choose that case color as well. And I would immediately choose that dark brown that looks good on black.

mondalaci commented 3 months ago

Got it, and I appreciate your suggestion. If there's a larger demand, we can implement such a feature.

kareltucek commented 3 months ago

(I can also sign that I find the current case color unsatisfactory. I have no specific ideas on improvement though.)