UltimateHackingKeyboard / agent

Ultimate Hacking Keyboard configurator
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Module page changes #2217

Closed mondalaci closed 2 months ago

mondalaci commented 3 months ago


ert78gb commented 2 months ago

Display the "Invert horizontal scrolling" option on every module page, but only display the "Swap axes" for the key cluster.

The Invert horizontal scrolling property currently parsed as key cluster property.I think we also have to modify the firmware to handle every module this property.

keyClusterInvertHorizontalScrolling is the property name in the serialised user configuration. I think we have to rename it too. I can't decide it is major user config change or not.

@mondalaci @kareltucek what is your opinions

kareltucek commented 2 months ago

The Invert horizontal scrolling property currently parsed as key cluster property.I think we also have to modify the firmware to handle every module this property.

Oops. Yes.

I can't decide it is major user config change or not.

I would list is as minor, although technically, removing keyClusterInvertHorizontalScrolling from the config should be major as ti voids backward compatibility.

ert78gb commented 2 months ago

User imports a user config with keyClusterInvertHorizontalScrolling and not change anything just export it and thekeyClusterInvertHorizontalScrolling will renamed to invertHorizontalScrolling.

The same thing will happen in firmware side. After the user config parse read the SerializedModuleProperty_Keycluster_InvertScrollDirectionX = 255 and save as SerializedModuleProperty_InvertScrollDirectionY = 10 we can't keep the 255 for every module because it is already used as SerializedModuleProperty_Touchpad_HoldContinuationTimeout = 255,

We can easily handle this change in code but I don't know how logical is. I think we have to keep the SerializedModuleProperty_Keycluster_InvertScrollDirectionX = 255 property as reserved property to prevent reuse.

Maybe I over worry the things but I just would like to prevent some future conflicts

kareltucek commented 2 months ago

I think we have to keep the SerializedModuleProperty_Keycluster_InvertScrollDirectionX = 255 property as reserved property to prevent reuse.

Yes, let's keep it reserved.

mondalaci commented 2 months ago

Yes, let's keep it reserved.

I agree. We can reuse the reserved property in a future major configuration change.

mondalaci commented 2 months ago

Use uhk-firmware-11.0.2-f9f87630.tar.gz containing https://github.com/UltimateHackingKeyboard/firmware/pull/768

mondalaci commented 2 months ago

uhk-firmware-11.0.2-f9f87630.tar.gz - Now the user config version is bumped to 7.1.0