UltimateHackingKeyboard / firmware

Ultimate Hacking Keyboard firmware
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setVar error #755

Closed Festiu closed 4 months ago

Festiu commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure if this is an unusual error, or if I simply don't understand how variable handling works.

I'm attempting to declare a variable using setVar var_name value but I'm encountering an error: Too many variables. Can't allocate

I've recorded a video: https://streamable.com/rikmeu

I'm on Agent 3.3.0 with firmware 10.5.0

kareltucek commented 4 months ago

Well, there are 32 slots reserved for variables. You cannot create more than that.

Edit: although that does not seem to be your case. Will look into it.

mondalaci commented 4 months ago

@kareltucek How about expanding the error message to: Can't allocate more than 32 variables. - It'd be more explicit.

kareltucek commented 4 months ago

@Festiu I just can't reproduce that. Please, attach the problematic UserConfig.json, maybe something pops up there.

Also, after exporting it, please, try importing it back again in your Agent and retry (i.e., save it to uhk and try if using the macro still generates the error).

Festiu commented 4 months ago

I attach my .json configuration but it is not problematic but on the contrary, because once imported, the setVar on it seems to work perfectly. The problem is that I can't edit the variable names, nor add new ones, nor delete them, because then the errors appear.

UserConfiguration 2024-02-13 (Agent 3.3.0 Firmware 10.5.0).json

The .json is a little bit long, but it doesn't do anything strange. It does have a lot of // comments, but I don't think that's a problem either, right?

I know it may sound silly, but I have suspicions that those macros named !TEMP may have caused some bug, because for example if I modify or delete them, that's when the errors appear.

See the following video: https://streamable.com/4b8tng

But even if the !TEMP macros are the cause. Anyway, it seems that my keyboard has been bugged, because as I showed in the first video, the setVar gives error even with the configuration has been reset.

I've tested with Agent 3.2.0 too, but still the same.

This situation it's so strange.... sorry.

EDIT: Ok guys, got it!!! I've reflashed firmware and all is working fine now. Who knows if this is something related to some log after loading and loading the configuratin multiple times with several variables, I don't really know. Time will tell if happens again. Thanks for your assistance in any case.

kareltucek commented 4 months ago

Strange. Please let us know if it reappears.