UltimateHackingKeyboard / firmware

Ultimate Hacking Keyboard firmware
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Feature Request: Configurable polling rate/interrupt interval #814

Open firngrod opened 3 weeks ago

firngrod commented 3 weeks ago


Make the polling rate or interrupt interval configurable, either through smart macros or through a configuration option in Agent.


When using "smart" KVMs, the type which actually interprets the USB signal in order to do some conversion or interpretation, like the BT-500 bluetooth adapter from Handheld Scientific, the KVM device may have limitations in it's polling rate, and issues may arise. Per https://github.com/UltimateHackingKeyboard/firmware/issues/282, the UHK has a polling rate of 1000Hz. Also mentioned in that issue, internal limitations between the modules mean that the actual update rate for mouse movements is going to be slower. In my testing, the UHK effectively never send updates more often than every 4ms, at least without using macros. The BT-500, it has a polling rate of 250Hz, and so unless using macros to trigger events quicker than 250Hz for a prolonged period of time, this is not a problem in real applications. However, I have another KVM which has a polling rate of 125Hz. This KVM is practically unusable with the UHK mouse modules as instructions are delayed and lost. I have tested with a homebuild of the UHK firmware with 125Hz polling rate (Inspired by the PR linked from issue #282 linked above), and then this KVM works as expected. Being able to configure the polling rate to suit the available equipment would be cool.

mondalaci commented 3 weeks ago

Based on your research, a configurable polling rate makes sense. We should implement this via a smart macro variable, but it's not a priority.