UltraStar-Deluxe / Play

Free and open source singing game with song editor for desktop, mobile, and smart TV
MIT License
374 stars 67 forks source link

publish android app on f-droid as well #178

Closed natrius closed 2 years ago

natrius commented 3 years ago

As it is open source, do you plan to release it on F-Droid store as well? Its an open source store for android. https://f-droid.org/ You can use a special template so its easy to see directly in the app the last changes or the cahngeset of the last update. Should work automatically as well, afaik.


In the FAQ there is a short introduction as well https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Submitting_to_F-Droid_Quick_Start_Guide/

Ref: https://github.com/UltraStar-Deluxe/Play/issues/104

achimmihca commented 3 years ago

The apk of UltraStar Play can be found on the release page. Further, an apk is created for every push to our main branch by GitHub Actions.

I guess, someone can publish this apk on F-Droid

achimmihca commented 2 years ago

Here is a PR of someone who added a project to F-Droid: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/merge_requests/2121/diffs Looks like one has to provide a txt file with some data. The example links to a gradle project on GitHub.

Question is, how to provide a link to an apk? Or maybe even to a release containing an apk? Then a new GitHub release of USPlay might be available in F-Droid without further doing

achimmihca commented 2 years ago

UltraStar Play does not satisfy the Inclusion Policy of F-Droid:

For software to be FLOSS, the software in its entirety must be so - including all libraries and dependencies used.
Additionally, it must be buildable with only FLOSS tools.

UltraStar Play is built on Unity, which is a proprietary platform. Thus, we cannot publish it to F-Droid

natrius commented 2 years ago

Thanks for looking into this. Maybe create your own repository so everybody can just include your repository into F-Droid? https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Setup_an_F-Droid_App_Repo/ Just a thought :)

natrius commented 1 year ago

@achimmihca You could, as i said, create your own repository and make it autogenerate. It has the benefit of the people installing it through the f-droid repository getting autoupdate and that quite fast. You might be able to ask if @IzzySoft is able to take into his repository, but you have to match/use the fastlane file structure if I remember correct.

Nice to see the project getting forward :)

achimmihca commented 1 year ago

As I said above, UltraStar Play does not satisfy the Inclusion Policy of F-Droid.

People are free to fork and modify UltraStar Play as they please and can try to create a release on F-Droid.

But given their policy, I think any attempt will be in vain because the Unity platform is not FOSS software.

However, a release on Google Play may be nice for Android users.

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

While criteria for my repo are a bit less strict than F-Droids, it usually does not include games. I might consider an exception to that here, but then the file size of the APK is also beyond the 30M per-app limit set with my repo. A quick scan of the APK reveals:

Offending libs:
* Google Mobile Services (/com/google/android/gms): NonFreeDep
* Unity3d Ads (/com/unity3d/ads): Ads
* FMOD (/org/fmod): NonFreeDep

3 offenders.

which would be just inside the tolerated numbers.The missing Fastlane structure however would not be a stopper; though I'd highly recommend it (so you have control about how the app is presented), I'd just need a fine description, the icon, and ideally some screenshots. But category PLUS size not fitting somehow outrules it.

An open way would be, as @natrius suggested, to create your own repo. That might be easier than you expect, see this article and its follow-up one in my blog. All ingredients are free.

achimmihca commented 1 year ago

I see, users can add custom repos to their F-Droid client? And we could use this to provide our own repo for UltraStar Play?

I guess this would be similar to how Ubuntu supports personal package archives (ppa)?

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

users can add custom repos to their F-Droid client?

Exactly. On the linked article, you can use the fdroid tag to discover more. Adding custom repos is described in the article for advanced users (part 2 of the series on F-Droid).

And we could use this to provide our own repo for UltraStar Play?

Definitely! I e.g. host (and maintain) a repo for a customer who did the very same, also in the game sector. If you want to take a look, it's included with my repo browser: the Metatrans Apps Repository.

I guess this would be similar to how Ubuntu supports personal package archives (ppa)?

Good comparison, yes. As for the apt-add-repository command (or its graphical counter-parts): that's as easy as scanning the QR code presented there and opening the link. If the repo url contains /fdroid/repo (which it usually does), the F-Droid client offers itself then along with any installed browser. User picks that, and gets a pre-filled form just waiting for its "add" button to be pushed – et voila, added.

What's more (and you did not ask): there are several lists around listing available repos. I bet not a single one of them is complete, but users find their way around. The 3 most common can be found 1) in the F-Droid forum, 2) with a collection presented by Mondstern and 3) again with my blog. I can add repos to the latter, you to the first, and Mondstern to his – making it more likely to be found. And of course you can advertise it with your Readme, website etc. On the Fediverse, make sure using the #FDroid hash-tag which many follow.

achimmihca commented 1 year ago

The apps can now be found as open test release on the Google Play store for easier installation:

F-Droid is not a priority for me. But others may create a release on F-Droid.