UltraStar-Deluxe / USDX

The free and open source karaoke singing game UltraStar Deluxe, inspired by Sony SingStar™
GNU General Public License v2.0
812 stars 160 forks source link

OS X support - no active developer on OS X #167

Open basisbit opened 7 years ago

basisbit commented 7 years ago

Currently, none of the active developers of USDX have access to an OS X based system (except for some vm based setup). Thus we can no longer provide support for OS X only problems. After trying to encourage other friends who are also OS X users to join this project and trying to get some OS X laptop without any success, I will close any OS X related issue report and collect these here as a list.

basisbit commented 7 years ago

list of OS X only issue reports:

bohning commented 7 years ago

Shall I still add issues, which might only be Mac-specific or might concern all OS?

basisbit commented 7 years ago

issues which concern all OS should definitely be reported. Regarding OS X only issues, you may post them, then I'll add them to this list.

bohning commented 7 years ago

Editor commands not working on Mac:

  1. [Ctrl] + Arrow Right/Left: move only beginning of note to earlier/later On Mac, it switches between desktops (possible solution: use ALT for beginning of note, CMD for end of note, since ALT is left of CMD)

~~2. =: increase BPM The equal sign is produced by SHIFT+0, increasing the GAP by 1000 (0 increases by 10) instead of increasing the BPM~~ - fixed by 76c8c973a80c048f028b3e69729c9726d5b4c9f9

  1. [Ctrl] + C/V: copy/paste current sentence Works as expected. However, on Mac copy is usually on CMD+C and paste is on CMD+V. Using CTRL is counterintuitive.

~~4. [Shift] + P: play current sentence midi Does not play anything on Mac.~~ - download and run SimpleSynth, then download and run pmdefaults, close pmdefaults, let SimpleSynth run, then start USDX

~~5. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + P: play current sentence audio and midi Behaves as if only P was pressed (audio + clicks, no midi).~~ - same as 4.

~~6. [Shift] + M: multiply BPM by 2 but keep correct timings Works as expected, only displays: INFO_MULTIPLIED (display string seems to be missing)~~ - fixed by 298e3ee6e53c440f9992c610c5c9a6d31c5dbe2c

~~7. [Ctrl] + [Del] delete current note Does not delete anything.~~ - [Del] = [Fn] + [Backspace] on Mac, thus [Fn] + [Ctrl] + [Backspace] deletes the current note

  1. [+ on numberpad] Increase tone of all notes by 1 [- on numberpad] Decrease tone of all notes by 1 [Shift] + [+ on numberpad] Increase tone of all notes by octave [Shift] + [- on numberpad] Decrease tone of all notes by octave What to do without numberpad? There is no number pad on the internal Mac keyboard (and presumably many Windows notebook keyboards).

  2. 4 copy 4 sentence, 5 copy 5 sentence I don't really understand this. Simply hitting 4 will copy the current and the following 3 sentences, which can then be pasted by CTRL+V? If so, this doesn't work (on Mac at least, that is).

AlexanderS commented 7 years ago

I might have access to a Mac Book Pro. But I am having no experience in developing on macOS.

bohning commented 7 years ago

@AlexanderS I'd be happy to support, but I have no experience in either programming Pascal nor programming on MacOS. I am able to compile USDX on the command line, but I am having trouble to get the Lazarus environment to compile the code. What I get is:

Projekt:Ausführen des Befehls vor: Exit code 512, Fehler: 17
Panic: ===================================
Panic: Changed files:
Panic: config-darwin.inc
Panic: ===================================
Panic: -----------------------------------
Panic: Clean old object data...
Panic: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make clean_obj
Panic: rm -f "../game/ultrastardx"
Panic: rm -f -r "../build/fpc-i386-darwin"
Panic: -----------------------------------
Panic: ../dists/autogen/install-sh -c -d "../build/fpc-i386-darwin"
Panic: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make create-pathinfo
Panic: /bin/sh: fpc: command not found
Panic: make: *** [../game/ultrastardx] Error 127
Panic: echo "INSTALL_DATADIR = '/usr/local/share/ultrastardx';" > paths.inc
Panic: fpc -Px86_64 -k"-macosx_version_min 10.4 -undefined dynamic_lookup -headerpad_max_install_names -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/2.8.6/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/freetype/2.6.3/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/libpng/1.6.21/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/lua/5.2.4_3/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/pcre/8.38/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/portaudio/19.20140130/lib -L/usr/local/lib" -Fi../src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas -Fu. -FU../build/fpc-i386-darwin -o../game/ultrastardx ultrastardx.dpr
Panic: tool stopped with exit code 512. Use context menu to get more information.

It seems that fpc is not found, but it was correctly (?) auto-detected by the IDE (otherwise it wouldn't start).

DJaeger commented 7 years ago

I would also try to help on OS X.

bohning commented 7 years ago

Where would I find the error.log on Mac? I looked for it in /Users/markus/Library/Application Support where I find the config.ini and the cover.db with today's date (having launched USDX), but no error.log. Any ideas? @kamischi @AlexanderS @rhaamo?

kamischi commented 7 years ago

In "~/Library/Logs/ Ultrastar Deluxe/Error.log". This is according to the guidelines from Apple.

bohning commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick feedback!

bohning commented 7 years ago

It would be helpful if hidden backup files (what are these exactly anyways) starting with ._ would be ignored. Currently, they are analyzed and leave tracks in the error.log such as

ERROR: File contains empty lines or BPM tag missing: /Volumes/Karaoke/Kettcar - Deiche [VIDEO] [SC]/._Kettcar - Deiche.txt ERROR: AnalyseFile failed for "/Volumes/Karaoke/Kettcar - Deiche [VIDEO] [SC]/._Kettcar - Deiche.txt".

kamischi commented 7 years ago

These files are not hidden backup files but mirror files, where properties of the files are kept on file systems less capable than HFS, such as FAT or NTFS. Examples are the position and settings of folder or file views of the Finder, editor positions of text editors and so on. They can be safely neglected or put to ignore lists. If they are not present, the default setting for such properties is taken.

ePirat commented 7 years ago

I will reopen and tag macOS specific issues with the macOS label, so those can be easily searched and filtered.

I'll try to fix most of them.