UltraStar-Deluxe / format

UltraStar Format Specification
MIT License
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[Spec] Remove #ENCODING, #RELATIVE, #RESOLUTION and make UTF-8 mandatory #28

Closed marwin89 closed 9 months ago

marwin89 commented 9 months ago


  1. Remove #ENCODING-Tag from specification 🗑️ ❌
  2. UTF-8 is mandatory. ⚠️
  4. Remove #DUETSINGERP1 and #DUETSINGERP2 (its redudant because of #P1 and #P2)

Use case

Extra info/examples/attachments

Baklap4 commented 9 months ago

Removing stuff needs a major increase. Let's collect all the things that need to be removed before 1.0.0 Since undefined is 0.0.0 i'd propose to deprecate this in 0.x.0 and remove it in 1.0.0

from semver:

How should I handle deprecating functionality? Deprecating existing functionality is a normal part of software development and is often required to make forward progress. When you deprecate part of your public API, you should do two things: (1) update your documentation to let users know about the change, (2) issue a new minor release with the deprecation in place. Before you completely remove the functionality in a new major release there should be at least one minor release that contains the deprecation so that users can smoothly transition to the new API.

Nianna commented 9 months ago

Hi, what you wrote is kinda inconsistent:

The games should be able to detect the encoding themselves. As a dev you get more time for important things to do, than supporting questions about encoding problems.

These two are contradictory, having (deprecated) tag is way better and more stable that guessing.

rakuri255 commented 9 months ago

Would leave this info and mark it as deprecated. So, all can read it and learn from that. Otherwise, you will get a question. Maybe make a separate Page with deprecated and unnecessary and stupid stuff :D

marwin89 commented 9 months ago

There's a deprecated section on https://usdx.eu/format now.

Baklap4 commented 9 months ago

Deprecated section is nice, but we'll need this based on versions. Let's open up a new issue to somehow show the versions we're gonna have if this isn't already covered in another issue

marwin89 commented 9 months ago

I guess we finished this task too. ✅

I put the results in the overview spreadsheet mentioned in #31

Baklap4 commented 9 months ago

Might be nice to add a conclusion post after closing an issue

marwin89 commented 9 months ago


So here are the final results for this issue.

  1. UTF-8 is mandatory for every txt-file.
  2. We deprecate these tags in version 0.3.0. and remove them in version 1.0.0: