UltravioletFramework / ultraviolet

The Ultraviolet Framework is a .NET game development framework written in C#.
MIT License
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Update to .NET6 #145

Closed jayrulez closed 1 year ago

jayrulez commented 2 years ago

Let me know if this is of interest.

tlgkccampbell commented 2 years ago

I appreciate the considerable effort you've put into this. However, I have neither the time nor, to be honest, the desire to continue to work on this project, and I feel like merging this PR would mean taking on a level of responsibility for supporting it that I'm not prepared to accept. I've already dismantled my build infrastructure and used it for other things, so even just publishing this to NuGet would require nontrivial effort.

Would you be interested in just taking over the project as a whole?

jayrulez commented 2 years ago

I've thought about it for a few days. I'm positive that I won't be able to afford the time to maintain the project in the near or medium term. Thanks for the consideration though. My primary motivation for experimenting with UV was the UI framework which I think is quite impressive.

If I change my mind in the future then I will let you know.

jayrulez commented 1 year ago

@tlgkccampbell I would like to revisit this again.

After months of using and experimenting with the framework, I've become quite familiar with most parts and I've gained much confidence in being able to maintain and evolve it. I'm open to taking over the project if the offer still exists.

tlgkccampbell commented 1 year ago

I still have no time or desire to get back into this project, so by all means. I'll transfer ownership of the repository to you. I hope it serves you well.

tlgkccampbell commented 1 year ago

GitHub is telling me that you already have an Ultraviolet repository, so I'm guessing you need to delete your fork first?

jayrulez commented 1 year ago

I just created an organization for this.

Please transfer here: https://github.com/UltravioletFramework instead of my personal account.

tlgkccampbell commented 1 year ago

OK. It looks like you need to give me permissions to create repositories for this org before it'll let this go through.

jayrulez commented 1 year ago

Done, you should see an invitation in your email. If not, you can just click the organization link I think.

IceReaper commented 1 year ago

Wonderful to see this again alive! <3

jayrulez commented 1 year ago

Is it also possible for you to add me as an owner on the nuget packages so I will be able to update them?

My username on nuget.org is jayrulez

tlgkccampbell commented 1 year ago

OK, I think I got everything. Let me know if I missed something.

jayrulez commented 1 year ago

Yes, it looks like you got everything. Thanks a lot!

In the future, do you mind if I ask questions about certain aspects of the framework? I would not ask you anything where you would need to invest much effort to give an answer.

tlgkccampbell commented 1 year ago

By all means ask, but it's been a very long time since I've thought about Ultraviolet at all, so I'm afraid I may have forgotten many of the answers... 😬

jayrulez commented 1 year ago

That's fine. In that case, I just have to spend more time understanding the code.

Thank you again for entrusting me with this project!

jayrulez commented 1 year ago

@tlgkccampbell so here's my first question: The SpriteFont related files here https://github.com/UltravioletFramework/ultraviolet/tree/main/Source/Ultraviolet.OpenGL/Graphics/Graphics2D do not seem to do anything that's specific to OpenGL and could be re-used with another hypothetical graphics backend. Was there a particular reason you placed them there as opposed to https://github.com/UltravioletFramework/ultraviolet/tree/main/Source/Ultraviolet/Graphics/Graphics2D?

jayrulez commented 1 year ago

Also, it seems I didn't get access to the Ultraviolet.FMOD.Native package on nuget.org

Could you please add me to that one as well?

tlgkccampbell commented 1 year ago

@tlgkccampbell so here's my first question: The SpriteFont related files here https://github.com/UltravioletFramework/ultraviolet/tree/main/Source/Ultraviolet.OpenGL/Graphics/Graphics2D do not seem to do anything that's specific to OpenGL and could be re-used with another hypothetical graphics backend. Was there a particular reason you placed them there as opposed to https://github.com/UltravioletFramework/ultraviolet/tree/main/Source/Ultraviolet/Graphics/Graphics2D?

Well, OpenGLSpriteBatchEffect is implementation-specific because it has a dependency on GLSL shaders. Other than that, I think I may have originally had some intention to preprocess texture data in a way that was more specific to OpenGL, but I guess I never ended up doing it. Sprites are very old and in fact a large part of the code predates Ultraviolet itself, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're full of decisions that made sense at one point but don't anymore.