This is a checklist ticket for things that need to be done so that we can reach feature parity with other bots. Note that we won't necessarily be doing all these things; this is more of a list of things those bots do that we may consider doing ourselves.
Please note that no code copying from the source of other bots will be permitted - Not only may this break licenses, the code will likely not fit into our asynchronous setup or plugin mechanics. Please also be courteous to the developers of other bots - and remember that this ticket is born out of necessity and requests by our userbase, not out of spite or malice.
Things left to consider
CloudBot (IRC, asyncio-based so no Python 2 support)
[ ] Amazon URL handler - CloudBot scrapes the page but we can surely do better than that
[ ] Attacks - LARTs, flirts, slaps, kills, etc - Probably part of a roulette rewrite?
[ ] Bing search - Both normal and image
[ ] Channel management - Modes, bans, etc
[ ] Chat history feature - Can do much better than CloudBot's little DB
[ ] Cleverbot/Cloudbot/etc support (I've done this before, shouldn't be hard)
[ ] Coin flips and random choices (Add to dice plugin?)
[ ] Encyclopaedia Dramatica lookup
[ ] Etymology lookup via Wordnik (A possible addition to the Wordnik plugin)
[ ] Fishbans support
[ ] Foods generator (Unlikely, this one)
[ ] Fortunes (Planned for some time now)
[ ] Google search - get suggested phrases
[ ] Google Books search
[ ] Google Image search
[ ] Google long URL fixing (EG, when someone links to a search result)
[ ] Google Maps search and time lookups
[ ] Google Safe Browsing List lookup
[ ] Help system (Been in planning for a while now)
[ ] Horoscope retrieval
[ ] Ignore system - They wrote an all-in-one sieve, but we have no need for that
[ ] IMDB URL handler and lookup
[ ] Imgur search
[ ] Karma (#6)
[ ] Metacritic lookup
[ ] Minecraft user and UUID lookup
[ ] Minecraft Wiki search
[ ] Name generator (For fun)
[ ] Newegg URL handler and lookup
[ ] Notes system (Personal, not memos)
[ ] Octopart Search
[ ] Permissions management (On hold, needs discussion)
[ ] Pig-latin translator - Cloudbot uses NLTK, but is this necessary?
[ ] Ping command - akin to the windows/unix utility
[ ] Polls
[ ] Propper chat logging to PISG-compatible files (Already planned)
[ ] Python evals (I do have a PoC REPL plugin but it's not safe) - Cloudbot does this using, which is basically Google's AppEngine playground
[ ] Quotes system (Planned for some time now)
[ ] Random stories from FML and MLIA
[ ] Recipe search and dinner suggestions - Cloudbot uses cookstr and some obscene funnies
[ ] Reddit URL handler and lookup, incl. random posts from subreddit
[ ] Reminders system
[ ] Retrieve GitHub issue info via command (Seems unnecessary but could be handy)
[ ] RottenTomatoes lookup
[ ] Sed
[ ] Snopes lookup
[ ] Soundcloud URL handler and lookup
[ ] result URL handler
[ ] Spell checker
[ ] Spotify URL handler and lookup
[ ] Steam store URL handler and game search
[ ] Steam community URL handler and steamID retrieval
[ ] SteamDB account worth calculator
[ ] Text flipper - To upside-down text
[ ] TVDB lookups - Latest episode, next episode
[ ] Twitch URL handler and channel lookup
[ ] Twitter URL handler, latest/nth tweet and user lookup
[ ] Vimeo URL handler
[ ] Voat URL handler and lookup, incl. random posts from subvoat
[ ] Weather lookups via Wunderground
[ ] WHOIS tools
[ ] Wikipedia lookup
[ ] Wordnik - more API exposure
[ ] "Would you rather" questions from
[ ] Yahoo stocks lookup
Things that are done
CloudBot (IRC, asyncio-based so no Python 2 support)
8ball (Already handled by the 8ball plugin)
Brainfuck (Already handled by the brainfuck plugin)
Crypto-currency conversions (Already handled by the money plugin)
CTCP (Already handled in the IRC protocol and events)
Factoids (Already handled in the factoids plugin)
GeoIP (Already handled by the geoip plugin, needs a rewrite though)
Google Translate (Already handled by the translate plugin, but flaky)
Last.FM support (Already handled by the lastfm plugin)
Could expand to top tracks, top artists, and comparisons, once the API docs are back online
Minecraft server ping and Mojang status (Already handled in minecraft plugin)
Page checker - online/offline (Just use the URL parser, lol)
UrbanDictionary lookup (Already handled in urbandictionary plugin, could do with specifying definition ID though)
URL shorteners (Already handled in URLs plugin, and extendable)
User tracking (Already handled in all protocols)
W3C markup validation (Already handled in w3c plugin)
Wolfram|Alpha lookup (Already handled in wolfram plugin, needs a rewrite though)
XKCD (Already handled in xkcd plugin)
YouTube URL handler (Already handled in URL-tools plugin)
Things I'm not really interested in
CloudBot (IRC, asyncio-based so no Python 2 support)
Base64-based "cyphers"
Command to pastebin the contents of a plugin's code file
Linux kernel version listings
LMGTFY link creation (Not useful at all)
ORLYDB lookup (It's been down for a hell of a long time)
Profiler using pympler, objgraph, thread dumps, etc (For now)
"Random" password generator (Cloudbot's is very insecure and should not be used for serious passwords)
This is a checklist ticket for things that need to be done so that we can reach feature parity with other bots. Note that we won't necessarily be doing all these things; this is more of a list of things those bots do that we may consider doing ourselves.
Please note that no code copying from the source of other bots will be permitted - Not only may this break licenses, the code will likely not fit into our asynchronous setup or plugin mechanics. Please also be courteous to the developers of other bots - and remember that this ticket is born out of necessity and requests by our userbase, not out of spite or malice.
Things left to consider
CloudBot (IRC, asyncio-based so no Python 2 support)
, which is basically Google's AppEngine
Things that are done
CloudBot (IRC, asyncio-based so no Python 2 support)
Things I'm not really interested in
CloudBot (IRC, asyncio-based so no Python 2 support)