As a team member
I want to see all details of a task with the description, a tag and a date of issue
Acceptance criteria
[ ] each Task on the Project Detail Page is clickable as a link and navigates to the corresponding Task Detail Page
[ ] the Heading component is rendered at the top left corner of the Task Detail Page
[ ] the Back link is displayed as an icon of a ‘left arrow‘ at the left top corner next to Heading , with clicking user will be redirected to the Project Detail Page
[ ] the following informations about the task are displayed:
[ ] title
[ ] description
[ ] tag (corresponding tag of the task is highlighted with color)
[ ] date of creation
[ ] create [id] file in pages/projects/tasks
[ ] create [id] file for dynamic routing in pages/projects/tasks api/projects/tasks
[ ] use router.query for find the tasks id
[ ] use GET method
[ ] implement error handling
[ ] create a page TaskDetail component that renders
[ ] task.title
[ ] task.descripton
[ ] task.tag
[ ] task.createdAt
[ ] TaskDetail props : {task}
[ ] add an href attribute to the Back link to redirection to Project Detail Page
Value proposition
As a team member I want to see all details of a task with the description, a tag and a date of issue
Acceptance criteria