UmbraSpaceIndustries / Karbonite

Karbonite - Mineable. Burnable. Community-Driven.
70 stars 38 forks source link

Jool Altitude #106

Closed Mireru closed 9 years ago

Mireru commented 10 years ago

Jool's atmosphere ends at around 139km. The game however (legacy?) considers anything under 200km as sub-orbital. As such, to harvest from Jool using a Particle Collector, you'd need to be in a sub-orbital flight, which, at least for me, seems to invoke a crash at higher time-warps.

Would like to request a way to tweak the numbers for the orbital altitude for the collectors, at least for Jool. (Really would rather Squad fix Jool but meh)

BobPalmer commented 10 years ago

Changing the formula to be atmo + 50%, should fix this

BobPalmer commented 9 years ago

(Confirm this is fixed)

BobPalmer commented 9 years ago

Fixed in new CRP